
Saturday, March 20, 2010

FW: prayers needed



From: Marjorie Dannenfelser []
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 9:58 AM
To: Peter Robberson
Subject: prayers needed


Dear Peter,

I am sitting here at the dining room table -- more like the War Room -- planning with our SBA List team what could be the culminating battle of the fight to defeat this abortion-laden health care bill.  Every minute, new information comes in about a wavering member of Congress or a tidbit of strategic information from Republican or Democratic leadership. 

Having jumped in, I realize now it is important to step back out for just a few minutes.

Without prayer, I am 100 percent sure we will lose.  With it, the consciences of wavering members can be lifted up and emboldened.  While we are not a religious organization, we cannot succeed without prayer as the wind in our sails.  So will you please take just a few minutes, join the 280,760 members of our SBA List family around our virtual dining room table and pray that this bill fails and our nation's children will be protected from the carnage that would result from its passage?  This is a defining moment when prayer -- our most powerful lobbying tool-- cannot be left on the table.

The leaders -- especially Bart Stupak, Eric Cantor, Michele Bachmann, John Boehner and Mike Pence who have led the charge in these final days to protect Life and warn others that THIS IS NOT A GAME, need our support and prayer.  Pray that they enter the battle this weekend with the same energy and courage and love they have shown thus far.

Also, here is a list of undecided Members of Congress that so you can pray for each by name.  These folks are under intense pressure on all sides.  Their struggles do not go unnoticed, but pray that through all the clutter they see the clearest reminder of what this is about: the babies that will be lost if this bill passes.

Kathy Dahlkemper
Marcy Kaptur
Paul Kanjorski
Baron Hill
Solomon Ortiz
Earl Pomeroy
Chris Carney
Lincoln Davis
Alan Mollohan

My Dannenfelser family here will join you, and we will also be lifted up by this community, as I know you will.

For Life,

Marjorie Dannenfelser

President, Susan B. Anthony List

P.S.  If you haven’t had a chance to yet, please take a look at our powerful add running in 8 districts this weekend.  It puts this whole debate in perspective.

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