
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Constitution Made Easy

We had a good Constitution class this morning. We watched the webcast of Dr. Paul Moreno entitled The Constitution and the Civil War. It was a bit dry listening but Dr. Moreno pointed out at least two significant things to remember about President Lincoln; That preserving the Union was his highest goal above all else, even if that meant delaying or seemingly giving improper attention to other priorities. and two that he was characterized as being "Prudent", meaning he was thoughtful, cautious and strategic in choosing his actions. We also touched upon some of the prevailing criticisms of Lincoln such as that he didn't move fast enough against slavery and that he possibly violated the Constitution in order to preserve the Union. Finally we urged further study of Lincoln and his life and decisions stressing how important it is to include exploring various perspectives. If you slept late and missed it you really missed it! We distributed this week's worksheet including questions from the Constitution through Article 6. These will be available through the website at

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