
Sunday, March 21, 2010

The American Cafe FW: ACTION: Executive Order is Unacceptable

The American Café, Don’t’ buy the Executive Order Ploy. It is a bald-face lie and trick to get the Stupak Democrats to cave in. Phone, fax, email and pray. Vote is today at Noon Washington time. Pete and Adrienne.

From: Marjorie Dannenfelser []
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 11:25 AM
To: Peter Robberson
Subject: ACTION: Executive Order is Unacceptable

Dear Peter,

Nancy Pelosi and her allies are currently negotiating with key pro-life Democrats to try and secure their vote for their pro-abortion health care plan.

What's on the negotiating table?

A proposed executive order from President Obama that would allegedly bar abortion funding in the health care bill.

An executive order is an ineffective maneuver and completely unacceptable.

Here's why:

1. An executive order can be rescinded any time. President Obama could reverse it next week, next month, or next year. Should another pro-abortion president be elected in the future, it could be rescinded on inauguration day.

2. An executive order will not prevent insurance companies that provide abortion from participating in the exchanges.

3. Abortion funding in the health care legislation can be only be removed using the legislative process. An executive order not only doesn't fix the problem, it isn't needed to fix the problem, and could not stand a legal challenge. If Democrats are serious about protecting taxpayers from funding abortion in the health care bill, they must use the legislative process to fix the problem.


Call the following members of Congress immediately and tell them that an executive order by the president on abortion is unacceptable and urge them to vote NO on the pro-abortion health care bill.

Marion Berry (AR) 202-225-4076
Kathy Dahlkemper (PA) 202 225-3103
Daniel Lipinski (IL) 202-225-5701
Earl Pomeroy (ND) 202-225-2611
Nick Rahall (WV) 202-225-3452
Bart Stupak (MI) 202-225-4744
Steve Driehaus (OH) 202-225-2216
Joe Donnelly (IN) 202-225-3915
Jerry Costello (IL) 202-225-5661
Marcy Kaptur (OH) 202-225-4146
Paul Kanjorski (PA) 202-225-6511
Alan Mollohan (WV) 202-225-4172

Please call now, only a few short hours remain to make your voice heard!

For Life,

Marjorie Dannenfelser

President, Susan B. Anthony List

1800 North Kent Street, Suite 1070, Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 875-3370
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