
Friday, March 12, 2010

The American Cafe



This is it. The final push to get signatures for the PersonhoodColorado Amendment to appear on the ballot in November. If we can only get in onto the ballot again the masses of people from all of Colorado will again have to process this idea through their heads: that a pre-born baby is not a mass of tissue but an individual person who deserves the protection that any human being deserves.


Take out your petitions and gather the signatures from every willing person you can think of. Make some phone calls, take it to the parade, walk your neighborhood, take it to church and take it to the Caucus Meeting on Tuesday. Go to the Willing. Don’t bother with the unwilling for now…


We can do this…




From: Gualberto Garcia Jones []
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 8:36 AM
To: Peter Robberson
Subject: Only Five Days Left to Collect Signatures for Personhood


Personhood USA

FIVE Days Left: Help Get Signatures!

Five Days: Join us at St. Patty's, Your Church, & Caucus!

1. Please help get the final signatures needed by Wed. 3-17th!
2. Petition with us at the St. Patty's Day Parade! (Denver, Springs, Ft. Collins)
3. Please go to the Republican Caucus for signatures & the Resolution!

Final Signatures: Notarized Petitions are due in to Personhood Colorado or Colorado Right to Life by Wed. March 17th for processing and we'll submit them to the Sec'y of State by 3 p.m. March 18th. After Saturday, it will be too late for us to mail you a petition so you'll have to pick one up, so call now 303.456.2800 or 303-753-9394 to get a petition!

St. Patty's Day Parade: On Saturday, March 13th, there are downtown parades and events in Denver, Colorado Springs and Ft. Collins! To help up north, please contact the team leaders below for Greeley or Ft. Collins! To help down south, please contact the team leaders from Colorado Springs and Pueblo. To help in Denver, please contact any of the other team leaders with a 303 area code! Of course, you can just show up also and look for other petitioners to work along side of, and in Denver you can meet at Coors field at 9:00 a.m.


We have formed the following teams, each with a goal of collecting 500 to 2,000 signatures by March 17th! It's not too late to help, so you be on your own, or join a team:

Team Name     Team Leader         Goal    Phone

South Metro   Doug McBurney      2,000    303-489-9203
Littleton     Jo Scott           2,000    303-550-8170
Thornton      Brian Enyart       2,000    720-641-7033
Longmont      Scott Evans        2,000    303-587-0463
Metro West    Beau Ballentine    2,000    303-463-1942
Metro East    Leslie Hanks       2,000    720-394-8946
Greeley       Dennis Hoshiko     2,000    303-456-2800
Durango       Dan Anguis         2,000    949-510-8013
Colo Spgs     Bob Fortune        2,000    719-930-0841
Ft. Collins   Lori Goebel        2,000    970-461-1220
Parker        Judy & Tom Morroni 2,000    303-680-9565
Pueblo        Dee Waite          1,000    719-547-8435
Estes Park    Johanna Gengler      500    970-586-8676
Individual    American Cafe         20    303-753-9394

Republican Caucuses: It's crucial that you go to your precinct caucus because it's a gold mine for personhood signatures, and also you can print out and introduce the following resolution:

Be it resolved that the ________________ County Republican Party supports the passage of an amendment to the Colorado constitution to apply the term "person" to every human being from the beginning of their biological development. (Print out the resolution to bring to your caucus!)

This should be moved for adoption at the time resolutions are voted on at EVERY Precinct Caucus meeting on March 16! (See also add'l caucus info for getting signatures and introducing the resolution!)

This too is as easy as 1-2-3 at your caucus:
1: Get signatures at the caucus!
2: Introduce the above personhood resolution!
3: Encourage delegates/candidates to support personhood!

Your Church: This is the last Sunday for the next two years to get signatures for Personhood in Colorado! So please if you can, bring a petition (or two) to your church this weekend and pray that God will help you harvest as many signatures as possible there!

So please help us get personhood on the ballot!

The Personhood Movement Will Keep Growing With Your Help! Remember that Jesus said you will know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:16). Colorado's historic 2008 Personhood Amendment was the first such statewide vote in the nation. A year later, pro-lifers introduced Personhood petition drives and are gathering signatures in California, Colorado (again), Florida, Montana, and Mississippi (where Don Wildmon's American Family Association is working hard for Personhood)! The ACLU and Planned Parenthood have sued to temporarily stop signature drives in Nevada, Alaska, and Missouri (where CRTL's attorneys are helping to fight back)! Georgia Right To Life, one of the largest right-to-life groups in the nation, is heading up Personhood efforts in their state! And thirty-one other states are introducing similar bills or developing Personhood efforts, as tracked at

Please don't hesitate to call us with any questions or requests for petitions. 

God bless you,

Gualberto Garcia Jones

Personhood USA is a grassroots Christian organization founded to establish personhood efforts across America to create protection for every child by love and by law. Personhood USA is committed to assisting and supporting Personhood Legislation and Constitutional Amendments and building local pro-life organizations through raising awareness of the personhood of the pre-born.

Personhood USA

PO Box 486
Arvada, CO 80001
United States

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