
Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Great Debate 9 March-Please come!



Forwarded from 9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots. (Disclaimer-“No endorsement implied”)

9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots District 5 LLC


Good Day and Happy weekend,
                                         A quick reminder of the "Debate" this Tuesday at 6 PM at Mr. Biggs. The Constitutionalist has gone to great effort and expense to bring us this unique opportunity to see all the candidates on stage at one time. This is not a candidate forum. This is a candidate interactive debate.
                                         For those that came out to see Dan Maes, Ken Buck and Clev Tidwell at our town halls and for those that have seen Jane Norton, Scott McInnis and Tom Wiens along with the State Treasurer candidates, this is a chance to see how they answer questions under the pressure of an opponent sitting with them and with full internet exposure.
                                         Please, if you can, come out at 6PM 9 March for this event. Let's educate ourselves further as we move into the caucus and let us support the Consitutionalist with the 8 bucks at the door. The paper isn't making a dime off the event and they need to sell more tickets to break even. Call your friends, make it a "Liberty Night" party.
"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson-Ben Franklin

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