
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Caucus on Tuesday. Be there!

Your neighborhood Caucus is this Tuesday. Never been to one before? Last time was my very first time too. This is where your neighborhood (Precinct) gets together to decide who will represent their voice in the County and State levels of the State Republican Party. If you're thinking that the Party is in a shambles in terms of standing for the Constitution and Conservative values you’re right! But this is how it gets fixed. Go and either volunteer to be the Delegate from your neighborhood, or go and vote for the neighbor who will themselves vote for real reformer at the County and State levels. Sounds complicated but it is not really. This is how the most local, grassroots levels make their voices heard. Also you'll get to vote on proposed "platform Resolutions." These are the proposals that will likely be incorporated into the State Party Platform and they include such things as requiring that we get out of debt, standing for State Sovereignty, requiring that proposals be measured against the Constitution and so on. It is VERY important that Christian Constitution-loving people be involved. Please go.

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