
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Final Push Against Health Care

These are the final hours before the House votes for the health care legislation. An Investors Business Daily poll of physicians finds that as many as 360,000 doctors say they will leave the profession if the health bill is enacted. So the bill will be attempting to cover 31,000,000 more people, (using your taxes) with 45% fewer doctors.
A separate poll conducted by Medicus Firm finds that 29.2% of all doctors say they will quit or retire early if the health bill government takeover is successful; and that figure jumped to 45.7% if the Public Option is included.
It's bad out there. Lamborn is getting it right so while you can call him to tell him atta'boy! use your energies to phone Congresspeople from this link: CodeRed!
If by some chance you can go to Washington on Saturday to march let me know and I can forward you the details.

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