
Thursday, July 29, 2010

All remaining Petitions must come in NOW

The American Café,


If anyone has a Petition out to block Obamacare for Colorado it must come in within an hour. I only got 1 back from the several we handed out. If not you’ll have to drive it to Denver yourself (or find someone who is going to Denver later today.)


Go now and get it Notarized, regardless of how many signatures you may have gotten, then take it directly to Clem’s office. Every single signature counts.


If you have been working this thank you so much. Many people say that Socialized Health Care is “game over” for the Left making our country into a European-type socialist nation.




Pete and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café



From: Clem Borkowski []
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 10:50 AM
Subject: HC Update: 1hr 12mins left




If you don't have your petitions signed, notarized and submitted yet you have until noon to get them to my office. I'm leaving for Denver to take petitions to the Independence Institute from my office at noon.


My office:


The SkiHawk Group

2120 Hollow Brook Drive #202

Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Click Here: MAP


If you can't make that you'll need to get them to the Independence Institute today.


Independence Institute

13952 Denver West Pkwy #400

Golden, CO 80401

Click Here: MAP


Don't let any signatures go wasted!


Clem Borkowski

Internal Communications




Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Grassroots Training Event coming up

Tea Party Attendees (from April 15th at Acacia Park),


It’s been 3 months since we met you at Acacia Park for the April 15th Tea Party event. You may remember that we sat under an American Majority banner and handed out hundreds of Pocket Constitutions. We host meetings in our home praying for America and Training Coloradoans to become effective Citizen Activists from home.


Some of you signed up asking to be kept in the information loop as other events came up.


We have an American Majority Grassroots Training coming up a week from Saturday here in Colorado Springs, on August 7th. Adrienne and I would love to have you come if you can. This is your invitation.


This is a four-hour training on Political Action. We already do many of the things we teach in the course at our weekly home groups however this goes much deeper. If you have been unable to attend weekly this may be a way to get in gear in just one day. As you know our goal is to urge Christians and good Citizens to engage through Prayer and Political Action.


For all the information click on the following link or under on the Map, and under Colorado for Training details. To come to this training you’ll need to Register Online. Note that there is a fee paid to American Majority of $25 for attending this Training.


Come if you can and tell all your friends to come too. This coming weekend, July 31, I am running a Training down in Pueblo if that is more accessible to you. (We have made numerous overtures to the Pueblo Tea Party and have not gotten much response yet.)


Also, this fall we’re expanding again. We will host several home groups and weekly classes on the Constitution and on the book The 5000 Year Leap. We’d love to have you come to any of these. Call or email us for details.


These are critical times and we need every hand on deck to battle for our Country and for our Constitution.




Peter and Adrienne Robberson





Tuesday, July 27, 2010

American Cafe Invitation for Training-from Pete Robberson

American Café Group,


For everyone who has been coming to American Café here at the house we have an American Majority Grassroots Training coming up a week from Saturday here in Colorado Springs, on August 7th. Adrienne and I would love to have you come if you can.


If you are unaware, it is a four-hour training on Political Action. We already do many of the things we teach in the course however this goes much deeper. If you have been unable to attend weekly this may be a way to get in gear in just one day. As you know our goal is to urge Christians to engage through Prayer and Political Action.


For all the information click on the following link or, under on the Map under Colorado for training details. To come you need to Register online. Note that there is a fee paid to American Majority of $25 for attending the Training.


Come if you can and tell all your friends to come too. This coming weekend, July 31, I am running a Training down in Pueblo.


This fall we’re expanding again to several home groups and a weekly class on the Constitution and on the book, The 5000 Year Leap. We’d love to have you come to any of these.




Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café




Why We Can't Stay Silent

This is why we cannot stay silent anymore...

Correction: $300,000 Payday, Not $300


I have not confirmed yet but I heard today that apparently Tancredo has been a huge supporter of McInnis (the Republican insider/Establishment guy) and worked for [in his interest] him until recently. There is speculation that it was Tancredo who leaked the story about Scott’s plagiarism and his $300,000 payday from the Hasan Foundation regarding water rights in Colorado received just after he left office (thereby avoiding the illegality of taking money for work he did as a politician). Tom may have deliberately nuked his buddy or he may be doing this to secure victory for his buddy by suppressing the Maes vote now, just as early voting is happening. Tom has been doing the Tea Party/grassroots circuit too to get face-time with voters-now we understand why. Either way I am sticking with Maes for the next two weeks. Stay Steady!

We’ll see what happens after that.

I didn’t arrive at my support of Maes overnight and won’t believe the attacks and abandon him lightly either.

*Remember that everything that happens during this period when mail-in voting has begun is strategically orchestrated and carefully planned.* this bears repeating…

*Remember that everything that happens during this period when mail-in voting has begun is strategically orchestrated and carefully planned.*


PS. Regarding the online poll it seems that the system will accept multiple votes from the same PC. If Tom’s people know this the results could be anything. (It updates every few minutes),0,4624095.poll

Disclaimer: Nothing said here is implying that either The American Café, our church, my company, any company I work for or any group I am affiliated with Officially supports a Party or particular candidate.

To: Pete Robberson
Subject: Re: Vote Online today-Tancredo 4 Governor? - KDVR


So Tancredo plays the spoiler just like Ross Perot (the hand grenade with a bad haircut as Rush used to refer to him). This is disgusting! I wonder if the Dems had anything to do with this decision!


Original Message:
Subject: Vote Online today-Tancredo 4 Governor? - KDVR

If you'd like to weigh in on whether you'd support Tancredo jump out here
and vote on it.,0,4624095.poll


Corruption on a Bell Curve

“Fiesta de Té”
From: Gary L. Bauer
The liberal elites have been trying to paint the Tea Party movement as racist. But events in a small California city suggest otherwise.

There is a taxpayer/citizen uprising taking place in Bell, California, against corrupt government officials. It has already claimed the scalps of several top city leaders. The liberal media is trying hard to ignore it, but the story is beginning to break out. It’s a story of Big Government excess and greed against a low-income minority community.

Bell is a small city of about 40,000 residents, 10 miles south of Los Angeles. According to various reports, about half its residents are foreign born (mostly Mexican), its per-capita income is just under $25,000 and more than 25% of its residents live below the poverty level.

Somehow this small, impoverished community was paying its city manager more than $787,000 a year. The police chief made more than $450,000 a year, and the assistant city manager was making more than $375,000 a year. The three individuals were the highest paid city officials in the country. Part-time city council members in Bell were making nearly $100,000 a year.

Granted, what was happening in Bell, just one small town in California, is an extreme example. But throughout the country, liberal politicians and public employee unions have been extraordinarily generous with the people’s money. So much so that many towns now can’t afford the bureaucracies that have been built, and entire states like California, Illinois and New York are facing bankruptcy.

But proving that opposition to out-of-control Big Government is not a fringe or racist movement, Bell’s outraged residents took action. They stormed city hall with homemade signs and demands for less spending and smaller government. Given the community’s demographics, many referred to it as a “Spanish Tea Party.”

They formed a group called the “Bell Association to stop the Abuse,” BASTA, which is Spanish for “enough.” The protestors forced the resignation of the city manager, assistant manager and police chief. Yesterday, city council members agreed to slash their salaries by 90%. The mayor and vice mayor announced that they will finish their terms without pay.

Vote Online today-Tancredo 4 Governor? - KDVR


If you'd like to weigh in on whether you'd support Tancredo jump out here
and vote on it.,0,4624095.poll


Monday, July 26, 2010

A Chilling Warning To Churches

After reporting on the Ground Zero mega-mosque last week, I received a disturbing e-mail from a supporter in Michigan. Evidently, the FBI sent a warning letter to Oakland County churches last week warning them of “suspicious activity.” For those not familiar with Michigan’s geography, Oakland County is just north of Dearborn, often described as America’s most Muslim city. Here is an excerpt of the letter:

“Dear Worship Coordinator:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Oakland County Resident Agency, would like to bring to your attention suspicious activity occurring on several occasions over the last several months at Oakland County places of worship. Visitors to these places of worship have shown particular interest in the layout of the building; have questioned personnel as to where people congregate; when the worship center would be populated; and where Christians could be found in the building.”

That is a chilling warning from the FBI that suggests churches in Oakland County are possibly being cased. A FBI spokesman said there was no indication of a threat, but added, “We’re simply passing along information we received to area churches indicating that suspicious activity is going on, in an abundance of caution.”


More Update on Tom Tancredo Ultimatum

The American Café,

Again, this is from the Elbert County Tea Party on the Tom Tancredo Ultimatum for the other Republican candidates for Governor to step down and give him their support, thereby bypassing the very system of elections we have in Colorado, (not unlike Jane Norton or Walker Stapleton “petitioning on” because of lack of support at the grassroots level.)

We want to keep you in the loop.

Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café-719-573-2193

To The Elbert County Tea Party

July 25, 2010

By now, everyone is aware of the turmoil developing around the Governor's race following the announcement and ultimatum issued by Tom Tancredo. Based on a survey of the Elbert Tea Party, we find that 33% support Mr. Tancredo, while 67% do not. In the overall survey of all the groups his support falls to about 20%. It is not our intent to make any judgment one way or the other in reference to those who support Tom as a person or for Governor, should he follow through with what he has announced he will do. We are part of a large grassroots movement that is gaining in members and strength every day in the nation and here in Colorado, where recent polling shows our State as having the largest number of registered voters who associate themselves with the Tea Party or 912 movement. As part of that movement, we are involved at a state level with the other groups. I attend regular meetings and am in constant communication with those groups, including the largest 912 group, having over 10,000 members.

Our groups have been very active since Mr. Tancredo's surprise announcement, having spent a lot of time seeking the input of our members about how our movement should collectively respond to Tom's apparent intention to enter the Governor's race at this time. First, it should be known that Mr. Tancredo has been considered a friend and ally of the Liberty Movement. As you know, he came to our meeting and received an overwhelming positive response by our group. We have cheered his stand on immigration, his open and honest talk about big government, and we have followed faithfully since his pronouncements last year telling all the Liberty groups to stick by the side of other conservatives and work within the system to bring back conservative leadership to all the offices now up for election. We heard and watched Tom as he told us not to do anything to split our ranks, which would give the liberals and the Democrats an advantage in the political arena, including the Governor’s race.

Up to the moment he made this announcement, it was clear that he and our movement were on the same page. We followed, we trusted and we agreed that we had important races to win, and that remains the main focus in the Liberty, Tea Party and 912 groups. While we remain individuals with different preferences, we all value another core principle of our movement, to respect the will of the people. Then came the bombshell announcement. With that moment, all that we had believed and trusted, all that we stood for, fell under a dark cloud. We had someone that we had looked up to issuing an ultimatum to the chosen candidates on the Republican ticket. He is now saying he will step outside the party that he has been loyal to for his whole public life, and that he will in effect split the ticket, thus running off the people's candidates if we do not meet his demands. We are shocked and disappointed.

We as a collective coalition of Liberty groups from the western slope to Ft. Collins, out to the eastern plains and down to southern Colorado, have prepared a position statement that is being delivered to Tom Tancredo today and is being released to the media this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. It states that we are anxious to save our valued relationship with Mr. Tancredo but need him to reconsider his ultimatum to the people’s choice for Governor. He needs to realize the consequences of following through on his threat to enter the race. While there was a time at the State Assembly when many would have supported his candidacy, he himself choose to decline. The people of this state who have invested their time, their money and placed their belief in the system did so with the trust that one of our own would not do anything to negate their participation, which Mr. Tancredo’s actions have done.

Finally, all those who understand the high-stakes of this year’s election know that all Tom can accomplish should he follow through and run as a 3rd Party candidate, is to split off enough of the Republican votes to ensure that Mayor Hickenlooper wins the Governors mansion. While we admit to our affection and respect for Tom, including recognizing his ability to lead Colorado as Governor under different circumstances, this is not the time, place or way to do that. We know that the grassroots support that we believe he took into account in making this decision is simply not going to materialize. In fact, the overall support will not be there, without which he will have done only harm to our cause and to our chances of winning in November.

In closing, I signed the letter to Tom Tancredo letting him know that we oppose his decision and his apparent intent to run for Governor at this time. I recognize that we have members who have responded to my survey saying they support Tom’s decision. But, as with all things, the majority agrees with the letter from the Liberty groups-at some point a stand has to be taken. We are not attacking Tom Tancredo as a person. We are in opposition to the principle of what he is doing, that being to circumvent the system we have in place to elect our leaders. The people have spoken in the State Assembly, in their communities and through their respective party. There is a lot to fix in our political system, but to simply disregard the folks who have participated in the Assembly, resulting in the selection of Dan Maes and Scott McInnis, is to say their voices do not matter. This violates the very core of what we as free, liberty loving people believe in.


Robert P. Rowland

Chairman, Elbert County Tea Party

9-12 Alert: Open letter to Congressman Tancredo & Flash Polling Results

The American Café and Colorado District 16C if you are interested:

Because I sent out an alert regarding Tom Tancredo’s ultimatum for both candidates for governor to step down and get out of the way for him to run instead-or that he would join the Constitutional Party, I am sending a follow up.

See the results of the heartbeat of the grassroots movement in Colorado to know if and how such a move would affect their votes: As you can see everyone is sticking with Dan Maes, some with McInnis and virtually zero with Tom.

I wanted you to know.


Peter and Adrienne Robberson, The American Café, 573-2193

9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots

9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots, District 5, LLC

A message to all members of 9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots

For all:

By now, many have you have heard the news that Congressman Tom Tancredo issued an ultimatum to both GOP candidates for Governor to drop out of the race by noon today, that he be installed as the selected candidate or he will join the American Constitution Party and run against whomever the People select. Last night, 20 Liberty groups from across Colorado asked him to reconsider his position (Letter Links at end of e-mail).

Most all of us have great respect for the Congressman and what he has accomplished in his service to the people of Colorado. This has nothing to do with his ability to be Governor, but it has everything to do with the process and how his possible choice is undermining everything many of you have worked for over the last year and a half.

In the summer of 2009, the Chairman of the Colorado GOP asked leaders from The 9-12 Project to come to Denver to get to understanding of what the 9-12 Project was and what we hoped to accomplish. Congressman Tancredo was in that meeting and challenged us not to leave the Party, but to change it and to bring it back to the core conservative values we all share. The Congressman reiterated this in an open letter to 9-12 activists and Tea Party Patriots in Dec 2009 when he said, ”Yes, over the last decade, many individuals left the Republican Party because George Bush led the national party to abandon its principles and support several big government programs. But leaving the party is not the answer. Fighting for your principles and reshaping the party is the answer.” He goes on and issues this warning, “"Some patriots are tempted to launch a third political party or back one of the existing small parties that never attract more than one or two percent of the vote in state races. I strongly believe that such a course is suicidal and would only result in splitting the conservative vote and guaranteeing the re-election of liberals and socialists." (Letter Link end of e-mail)

All over Colorado, 9-12 members and like minded individuals took up this challenge and heeded his warning. We did not abandon the Party; we stayed. Many of our unaffiliated and Libertarian members joined the GOP for just this year to work within the system to advance the conservative cause in beating back the Progressive cancer that is destroying America both in Washington and in Denver. We know the window to Restore America is closing and we know our best chance to defend her is through the path we have chosen; not for a Party, but for conservative values. For the last 18 months, you have worked tirelessly to improve the process. You have given of your time and money to move the process forward to the desired end result. You took up the Congressman's challenge and became delegates and have chosen candidates that you believe to best represent your values and principles. It is, in part, through his inspiration, the People have begun to retake the reins of government.

We are enduring a government that no longer respects the People. For 18 months, we have seen Federal and State governments enact laws in direct defiance to the will of the People. They do this because they believe we are too stupid to decide what's best for ourselves and our families and that we have no choice but to accept their rule.

In the face their defiance of the People, you have answered by standing up and loudly saying “enough is enough”. No more of Government deciding whats best for us. No more of government elitists separated from the realities of everyday struggles of work and raising families by legislated privilege and exemption from deciding for you. You have decided the time is now to stand up and say,“Government works for us, we do not answer to them”. Yet, Congressman Tancredo in his ultimatum says you, the People, made the wrong choice. You don't know what you are doing. By demanding that both candidates step down and he be appointed as the candidate or he will run under a minor party ticket, he has gone down the dangerous road of those that believe the People are too stupid to decide.
Congressman Tancredo issued the challenge of not leaving the Party, but to change it. He knew and we accepted that it was only through this effort that we could prevent a split within the movement that in his words would be “suicidal”. We accepted a minor party or third party run would do nothing but “ guaranteeing the re-election of socialists." America is at a cross roads. You have seen what is coming and you have answered the call. We hope that the Congressman remembers why you have and once again joins us in the fight to Restore America.

I will be happy to discuss this with any of our members.


Polling Data from 9-12 PPP: Note: cut off was 300 to meet reporting dead lines. Voting continued and is reported separately below as is the state wide sampling:

9-12 PPP Reported:

300 responses
GOP Dan Maes 223 74%
American Consitution Party Tom Tancredo 65 22%
GOP Scott McInnis 12 4%

9-12 PPP extended voting:

GOP Dan Maes 270 73%

AM Cont. Prty Tom Tancredo 81 22%

GOP Scott McInnis 19 5%

State wide results:

Dan Maes: 61%

Tom Tancredo: 33%

Scott McInnis: 5%

Other: 1%

The Congressman polled higher in his home CD

Links to Open Letters

Visit 9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots at:

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Domestic Terrorism On The Rise

Domestic Terrorism On The Rise-by Gary Bauer

Zachary Chesser, 20, of Fairfax, Virginia, was arrested this week and charged with domestic terrorism. Was Zachary a member of the NRA? Was he a pro-life demonstrator? An anti-illegal immigration activist? Or, worse, a Tea Party member? No, he was none of those things. Like so many before him, Chesser is a convert to the “religion of peace.”

Despite living in one of the wealthiest communities in America, just outside of Washington, D.C., Zachary Chesser was charged in federal court this week with trying to join the jihadist group Al-Shahab, based in Somalia. Earlier this month, Al-Shahab claimed responsibility for the bombing in Uganda that killed 75 people for the “sin” of watching the World Cup soccer games.

ABC News reported yesterday that in the past 18 months, 34 Americans have been charged for having ties to international jihadist groups. Richard Clarke, a former White House counterterrorism adviser, told ABC, “This is what we have feared for a very long time – that finally the ideology of radical Islam is effectively reaching into the United States… In the last six to nine months, the FBI has seen more domestic Islamist extremist activity than at any time since immediately right after 9/11.”

While the Left hyperventilates over the alleged racism and potential threats posed by the Tea Party, it is ignoring a far more serious and growing threat – radical Islam in America.

And while we’re on that subject, Andrew Bostom has a disturbing column in today’s New York Post linking the imam of the proposed Ground Zero mega-mosque to extremist Wahhabi teachings. As Bostom notes, “This fact alone should compel Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg to withdraw their support for the proposed mosque.”

A number of folks have emailed in recent weeks asking what they can do in their communities about the growing threat of radical Islam. Here’s one idea – find out what is in your children’s textbooks and take action. Chances are the books are biased against Christianity and Judaism and present a highly sanitized version of Islam.

I wrote about this issue last year, and today I learned that the Texas Board of Education may consider a resolution at a September meeting to address many of the concerns I raised. God bless Texas!

ACTION ITEM: Click here to e-mail the Texas State Board of Education to express your support for the Rives Resolution. Be certain to request that your message is sent to all board members.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wallbuilders' David Barton Endorses Ken Buck for Senate

The American Café,

Guys this is significant. This should tell you everything you need to know about our Senate Race here in Colorado.

Please work for (the candidate of your choice). This Primary is a big, big deal and is crucial to change the direction WITHIN the Party. We’ll tackle the General Election race afterwards but for now it’s all about the Primary. We MUST get fierce constitution-defending candidates into positions within our Party and shatter the incumbency control of our nominations.

If you don’t know what you can do to work for and help (the candidate of your choice) I have contact information and ideas for you. Email me individually.

Pray hard. Work hard. Pray some more.

Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café

PS. Regarding the Governors Race in Colorado and the circus it is becoming: Adrienne and I and the Grassroots activists that we know are continuing to support Dan Maes. We have a dozen of well informed reasons for doing so if you are interested in our opinion. Vote however you wish but we are not distracted by the Tancredo, McInnis, Maes thing.

From: Robin Coran []
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 6:36 PM

Please forward:

Dr. David Barton Endorses Ken Buck for U.S. Senate

Denver, CO—Author and historian, Dr. David Barton endorsed Republican Ken Buck for U.S. Senate today.

In a statement, Barton said—

America was founded upon the principles of moral integrity, inalienable rights, fiscal responsibility and individual liberty. Ken Buck believes these truths as they were expressed in our original documents as 'unalienable rights' or natural law. He understands, as our founding fathers understood, that to sustain a strong social order and a stable democratic government we must promote a broad public ethic and respect the original intent set forth in our founding documents.

"Ken has led a positive, grassroots campaign that has energized the Colorado voters to stand up against the progressive movement that has swept across our nation. When we elect people of sound character to represent us in Washington, we choose to bring America back to its strength & prominence.
I am pleased to endorse Ken Buck in the Colorado U.S. Senate race.”

“I’m honored to receive Dr. Barton’s endorsement,” said Buck. “Dr. Barton has recognizes the importance of this election. This is more great news for our grassroots campaign.”

David Barton is the Founder and President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage.


Owen Loftus Press Secretary
Buck for Colorado
Office (303) 756-BUCK (2825)

Show your support on Facebook today:

Standing for Principle......

Robin Coran/ Southern Colorado Field Director


Cell Phone/ (719)460-0888

Show your support on facebook today:

Obama's Affirmative Action...for Muslims!?

Obama's appointees around the country are pushing, elevating, promoting, preferring, encouraging, favoring and celebrating Islam in every corner of our Country, our laws and our culture. This is to the exclusion and many times replacement of the 300+ year tradition of our country as a broadly Judeo-Christian nation.

The lie is that this is done out of tolerance to Islam. The fact is that it is deliberately promoting one particular religion over all the others; that of Islam over every other one. Obama's motive is certainly a matter for serious debate, especially given hhis background as a Muslim. And given that our single most identifiable enemy in the ENTIRE WORLD right now is the radicalized Muslim through the teaching within their religion of JIHAD (Holy War). This comes in Three forms: Violent armed attack/political jihad, Religious Jihad, and Financial Jihad also known as Sharia Financing.

We must start talking about this...and quick! Why is this Administration Actively Promoting Islam throughout our country? Does Obama have the right? Does he have the authority to do this? Is Islam now a disadvantaged Religious group that it needs a handicap to level the playing field against Christianity to catch up to a 300 year late start? Is Christianity the ruling religion that needs to be taken down a notch to teach it a lesson? If Obama is a "Christian" does anyone find it odd that his natural inclination is not to revere or protect his own profoundly held Biblical beliefs but rather to labor diligently to advance the very enemy of his own country and his own faith?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The American Cafe Recommends: The Social Conservative Review: The Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News--July 22, 2010

The American Café,


Forgive me for sending another contact out so quickly. Let me know if you are getting too much. I want to respect your time and your individual levels of Action.


I want to suggest you sign up for this weekly Review from the Family Research Council, As you can see it links a few dozen articles that pertain to the last week in our Country’s politics and Culture.


If you don’t think this is your cup of tea no action is needed. If you would like this to come directly to your own inbox go to and sign up. Of course it is free. (We only do free stuff so we are more able to give when we really feel led to.) We love it!


Also, if you cannot read this included newsletter please add us to your Trusted Senders list under your email settings.


Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café home groups



From: Family Research Council []
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 4:06 PM
Subject: The Social Conservative Review: The Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News--July 22, 2010


Family Research Council



The Social Conservative Review: The Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News--July 22, 2010
July 22, 2010 | | Share with Friends

The Social Conservative Review:
The Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News
July 22, 2010

Check out FRC Action's Webcast: "Mission Compromised: How the military is being used to advance a radical agenda." Through proposals to have abortion at military medical hospitals and clinics and to allow open homosexuality in the Armed Forces, the Obama Administration is placing our military at risk and using service personnel to advance a radical social agenda. Our Webcast, featuring distinguished military and political leaders, explains how.

Family Research Council's latest publication, "The Defense of Marriage Act: What It Does and Why We Must Keep It," has just been issued. This important booklet, authored by FRC Senior Fellow Chris Gacek, Ph.D., J.D., explains why DOMA is essential to the well-being of families and the very institution of marriage itself. It is available as a PDF at, where you can also order hard copies. Marriage is under attack -- and our new publication will help you take action to protect and defend it.

Additionally, FRC's Senior Fellow for Family Empowerment, former Ohio Secretary of State and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Commission Ken Blackwell, and FRC's Director of the Center for Religious Liberty Ken Klukowski, J.D., appear in today's Wall Street Journal discussing the unconstitutionality of the Obama health care plan and how the federal courts might view the lawsuits brought against the new medical care mandate.

Educational Freedom and Reform

*        "Which Sex Position Will Your Kid Learn?," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council

*        "Excerpts from proposed Helena, Montana sex ed curriculum," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council

*        "NEA celebrates 'drag queen' teachers," Bill Bumpas, OneNewsNow

*        "Authorizing Charters," Terry Ryan, Michael B. Lafferty and Chester Finn, Education Next

*        "Tale of Two Cities," Nathan Glazer, Education Next

*        "Secularism in Academe," Jordan J. Ballor, The Acton Institute

*        "Should States Let the Federal Government Set Education Standards for Schools?," Heather Horn, The Atlantic

Environmental Issues

*        "A Climate Absolution?," Opinion, The Wall Street Journal

*        "Spiritual Labor and the Big Spill," Ray Nothstine, The Acton Institute

*        "Feds to fund study of Chesapeake microorganisms," Associated Press

*        "Feds haven't treated spill like national disaster," James Carafano, The Washington Examiner

*        "The Gulf Oil Spill-a Catholic Response," Don Clemmer, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

*        "BP and the Tragedy of the Commons," William F. Shughart II, Human Events

*        "The Climategate Whitewash Continues," Patrick J. Michaels, The Wall Street Journal

Faith and Policy

Check out Speak Up site for Chaplains, Alliance Defense Fund's new project.

*        "Who's Telling the Truth -- NASA's Chief or the White House?," Ken Blackwell, Fox News

*        "Don't devalue Christian heritage," Fr. Robert Sirico, The Detroit News

*        "Hard to Believe? Biblical Authority and Evangelical Feminism," Albert Mohler, Crosswalk

*        "Residents protest over ban on displays; vote delayed," Crystal Owens, Loudoun Times

*        "Pew: Religion less important to young," Jeremy Foster, KTAR

*        "The Signpost at the Crossroads," Joseph Bottum, First Things

*        "The Kenya connection," Editorial, The Washington Times

Health Care

*        "Rationed Healthcare and Assisted Suicide," Jeanne Monahan, Family Research Council

*        "Obamacare: The President's Wooden-Headed Interpretation of Our Constitution," Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski, Family Research Council

*        "Will Obama Keep His Abortion Promise?," Bob Maginnis, Family Research Council

*        "Maryland Becomes Second State to Offer Federally Funded Abortions under Obamacare," Matt Cover, CNS News

*        "Health insurers may soon offer contraceptives at no extra cost," Michelle Andrews, The Washington Post

*        "Federal judge hearing arguments in health care reform lawsuit in Detroit," Santiago Esparza, The Detroit News

*        "AMA asks insurers to examine doctor-rating programs," Patrick G. Lee, The Boston Globe

*        "Steny Hoyer maintains individual mandate is not a tax," Kerry Picket, The Washington Times

*        "Berwick: Bigger Than Kagan," Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal

*        "Dr. No: America doesn't need a rationer-in-chief," Reps. Phil Gingrey, Tom Price and Charles Boustany, The Washington Times

*        "Lost in Taxation: The IRS's vast new ObamaCare powers," Editorial, The Wall Street Journal

*        "Insurers Push Plans Limiting Patient Choice of Doctors," Reed Abelson, The New York Times

*        "Rationer in Chief: The Confirmation Hearing That Wasn't," Republican Staff Commentary, Joint Economic Committee

Homosexuality in the Military

*        "The "Don't Ask" Trojan Horse Strategy," Bob Maginnis, Family Research Council

*        "Kagan and the Military: What Really Happened," Pete Hegseth, The Wall Street Journal

*        "Speaking out," Edward Lee Pitts, WORLD Magazine

*        "Gay ex-officer to testify against military's ban," Associated Press


Read FRC Action's Tom McClusky's posts on the Kagan nomination at The Cloakroom.

*        "FRC Action Statement On Elena Kagan's approval by the Senate Judiciary Committee," Press Release, FRC Action

*        "Freedom from Religion Foundation v. Barack Obama," Legal Brief filed by FRC's Ken Klukowski

*        "Motion: Freedom from Religion Foundation v. Barack Obama" Petition for leave to participate in oral argument, filed by FRC's Ken Klukowski

*        "Elena Kagan's intolerance," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council

*        "Prayer shushed on Supreme Court steps," Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow

*        "FRC Opposes Supreme Court Decision in CLS v. Martinez," Press Release, Family Research Council

*        "Kagan Promoted Shariah Law at Harvard," Dick Morris and Eileen McGann,

*        "Kagan's Shariah problem," Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., The Washington Times

*        "Is Elena Kagan Morally Blind?," James Lewis, American Thinker

*        "When Kagan Played Doctor," William Saletan, Slate

*        "C. Everett Koop urges senators to block Kagan," Kathy Kiely, USA Today

Marriage and Family

Family Economics

*        "It's Not Only about 'the Economy, Stupid'. It's About Freedom," Ken Blackwell, Family Research Council

*        "GOP: Keep Bush Tax Cuts to Create Jobs," Donald Lambro, Human Events

*        "When Debt Flies Off the Charts," Veronique de Rugy, The American

*        "Keynes is Dead; Long Live Adam Smith," Lynn Woolley, Human Events

*        "How Financial Reform Discriminates -- Unless Your Daughter Goes to Wellesley," Terry Jeffrey,

*        "About That Financial Reform 'Victory'," Kimberley A. Strassel, The Wall Street Journal

*        "The Economic Case Against the Death Tax," Curtis Dubay, The Heritage Foundation


*        "Judge Strikes Down Traditional Marriage," Chris Gacek, Family Research Council

*        "FRC's Tony Perkins Decries D.C. Court of Appeals Decision to Block Marriage Vote," Press Release, Family Research Council

*        "God + Intact Family = Less Likely to Abort First Pregnancy," Michael Leaser, Family Research Council

*        "Homosexual Agenda is Low Priority-Even for Democrats," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council

*        "Religion and Morality in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate," Thomas M. Messner, The Heritage Foundation

*        "DC Court of Appeals: OK to lock out voters on marriage," Press Release, Alliance Defense Fund

*        "How I went from committed lesbian to a happily married mother of four," Jackie Clune, The Daily Mail

*        "Support for gay marriage has grown in recent years, new poll finds," Shelby Grad, The Los Angeles Times

*        "Looking for Time Bombs and Tea Leaves on Gay Marriage," Adam Liptak, The New York Times

*        "Argentina Legalizes Gay Marriage," Associated Press


*        "Dr. Pepper's suggestive ad campaign," KSLA News

*        "Watch out women, Porno will steal your soul!," David J. Ley, Ph.D., Psychology Today

*        "Computer Monitoring Software Keeps Kids Safe from Internet Pornography," PRWeb

*        "Court Decision Striking Down Broadcast Indecency Ban is 'Anti-Family,' Says FCC Commissioner Copps," Pete Winn,

Religious Liberty

*        "Lackadaisical About Religious Liberty," Rob Schwarzwalder, The Washington Times

*        "The Problem with Purim," Abby Wisse Schachter, Commentary Magazine

*        " God and Gettysburg," Robert George, First Things

*        "Police say prayer illegal on U.S. Supreme Court grounds," Press Release, Alliance Defense Fund

*        "Bad theology in the House of Representatives," Allie Bullard, Associated Baptist Press

*        "Promoting Religious Liberty: Whither the Obama Administration?," Doug Bandow, The Huffington Post

*        "Veiled Threats?," Martha Nussbaum, The New York Times

*        "Uzbek Women Accuse State of Mass Sterilizations," Associated Press

*        "An American Honor Killing," Abigail Pesta, Marie Claire

*        "New Zealand Christian school ordered to pay compensation after firing gay sports coach," Associated Press

Sanctity of Life


*        "Myth And Fact: The Truth About Ella And How It Works," Jeanne Monahan, Family Research Council

*        "FRC Responds to Flawed British Study on Fetal Pain ," Press Release, Family Research Council

*        "Obamacare abortions on tap," Editorial, The Washington Times

*        "You Can't Take the Back Alley Out of Abortion," Mary Rose Somarriba, First Things

*        "Undercover Video Exposes Abortion Clinic," Elisabeth Meinecke, Human Events

*        "California Poll Shows Voters Still Pro-Abortion, Could Impact Senate Race," Steven Ertelt,

*        "Court tosses Planned Parenthood to legal 'bounty hunter'," Drew Zahn, WorldNetDaily

*        "White House Backs Kenyan Constitution Allowing Abortion," Tess Civantos, Fox News

*        "Jindal signs abortion regulation bills," Associated Press

*        "Endangered Species: Do pro-life Democrats have a future?," John McCormack, The Weekly Standard

*        "500 Abortions A Day In Britain," Kirsty Buchanan,

*        "Plan C, for conscience," Cristina Alarcon,

*        "Bringing science to the abortion debate," Daniel Allott, The Washington Times

*        "Obama Admin Authorized Abortion Funding in Third State Under Health Care Law," Steven Ertelt,

*        "U.S. aid to Kenya to push easing of abortion laws hit," Kathryn Watson, The Washington Times

*        "Fertility Treatment Leads to Twins, Then Abortion," John Johnson, Newser


*        "Adopting special-needs kids tough but rewarding, parents say," The State Journal-Register

*        "Adoption Agency: Major Increase in US Interest in Orphans," Christian Post

*        "An Adoption Movement? Agencies Say Interest on Rise,"

*        "Ethiopian orphans need families," Johnny Carr, The Washington Post

*        "Adoption Is Everywhere," Ted Olsen, Christianity Today


*        "Genetic testing mix-up reignites debate over degree of federal regulation needed," Rob Stein, The Washington Post

*        "The Euthanasia Drumbeat Gets Louder," Mark P. Mostert, American Thinker

*        "How does one choose end-of-life care?," Sabina Dana Plasse, Idaho Mountain Express

*        "Assisted Suicide Debate Continues," Father John Flynn, LC, Zenit

*        "Family's wish, doctors' dilemma," Stephen Smith, The Boston Globe

Stem Cell Research

*        "Shame on the MS Society," Mark Pickup

*        "How Saving Umbilical Cords Saves Lives," Bonnie Rochman, Time

*        "Universities Bank on Stem-Cell Research," Robert A. Guth, The Wall Street Journal

*        "U.S. appeals court reinstates stem cell suit," Maggie Fox and Jeremy Pelofsky, Reuters

*        "Scientists Make Immune Cells In Mice That Fight Off HIV," The Huffington Post

Other Articles of Note for Social Conservatives

*        "Why Natural Law Still Matters for Conservatives," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council

*        "Vernon Baker, An American Hero," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council

*        "The Return of the Jeffersonian Vision and the Rejection of Progressivism," Michael Barone, The American

*        "The Spirit of Independence: The Social Psychology of Freedom," Lee Harris, The American

*        "Scientists expected Obama administration to be friendlier," Tom Hamburger and Kim Geiger, Tribune Washington Bureau

*        "The selective modesty of Barack Obama," Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post

*        "The Obama-Pelosi Lame Duck Strategy," John Fund, The Wall Street Journal

*        "The Town Hall Revolt, One Year Later," Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal

*        "Poll: D.C. elites a world apart," Andy Barr, The Politico

*        "Iran Cannot Be Contained," Bret Stephens, Commentary Magazine

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