
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Domestic Terrorism On The Rise

Domestic Terrorism On The Rise-by Gary Bauer

Zachary Chesser, 20, of Fairfax, Virginia, was arrested this week and charged with domestic terrorism. Was Zachary a member of the NRA? Was he a pro-life demonstrator? An anti-illegal immigration activist? Or, worse, a Tea Party member? No, he was none of those things. Like so many before him, Chesser is a convert to the “religion of peace.”

Despite living in one of the wealthiest communities in America, just outside of Washington, D.C., Zachary Chesser was charged in federal court this week with trying to join the jihadist group Al-Shahab, based in Somalia. Earlier this month, Al-Shahab claimed responsibility for the bombing in Uganda that killed 75 people for the “sin” of watching the World Cup soccer games.

ABC News reported yesterday that in the past 18 months, 34 Americans have been charged for having ties to international jihadist groups. Richard Clarke, a former White House counterterrorism adviser, told ABC, “This is what we have feared for a very long time – that finally the ideology of radical Islam is effectively reaching into the United States… In the last six to nine months, the FBI has seen more domestic Islamist extremist activity than at any time since immediately right after 9/11.”

While the Left hyperventilates over the alleged racism and potential threats posed by the Tea Party, it is ignoring a far more serious and growing threat – radical Islam in America.

And while we’re on that subject, Andrew Bostom has a disturbing column in today’s New York Post linking the imam of the proposed Ground Zero mega-mosque to extremist Wahhabi teachings. As Bostom notes, “This fact alone should compel Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg to withdraw their support for the proposed mosque.”

A number of folks have emailed in recent weeks asking what they can do in their communities about the growing threat of radical Islam. Here’s one idea – find out what is in your children’s textbooks and take action. Chances are the books are biased against Christianity and Judaism and present a highly sanitized version of Islam.

I wrote about this issue last year, and today I learned that the Texas Board of Education may consider a resolution at a September meeting to address many of the concerns I raised. God bless Texas!

ACTION ITEM: Click here to e-mail the Texas State Board of Education to express your support for the Rives Resolution. Be certain to request that your message is sent to all board members.

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