
Monday, July 26, 2010

9-12 Alert: Open letter to Congressman Tancredo & Flash Polling Results

The American Café and Colorado District 16C if you are interested:

Because I sent out an alert regarding Tom Tancredo’s ultimatum for both candidates for governor to step down and get out of the way for him to run instead-or that he would join the Constitutional Party, I am sending a follow up.

See the results of the heartbeat of the grassroots movement in Colorado to know if and how such a move would affect their votes: As you can see everyone is sticking with Dan Maes, some with McInnis and virtually zero with Tom.

I wanted you to know.


Peter and Adrienne Robberson, The American Café, 573-2193

9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots

9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots, District 5, LLC

A message to all members of 9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots

For all:

By now, many have you have heard the news that Congressman Tom Tancredo issued an ultimatum to both GOP candidates for Governor to drop out of the race by noon today, that he be installed as the selected candidate or he will join the American Constitution Party and run against whomever the People select. Last night, 20 Liberty groups from across Colorado asked him to reconsider his position (Letter Links at end of e-mail).

Most all of us have great respect for the Congressman and what he has accomplished in his service to the people of Colorado. This has nothing to do with his ability to be Governor, but it has everything to do with the process and how his possible choice is undermining everything many of you have worked for over the last year and a half.

In the summer of 2009, the Chairman of the Colorado GOP asked leaders from The 9-12 Project to come to Denver to get to understanding of what the 9-12 Project was and what we hoped to accomplish. Congressman Tancredo was in that meeting and challenged us not to leave the Party, but to change it and to bring it back to the core conservative values we all share. The Congressman reiterated this in an open letter to 9-12 activists and Tea Party Patriots in Dec 2009 when he said, ”Yes, over the last decade, many individuals left the Republican Party because George Bush led the national party to abandon its principles and support several big government programs. But leaving the party is not the answer. Fighting for your principles and reshaping the party is the answer.” He goes on and issues this warning, “"Some patriots are tempted to launch a third political party or back one of the existing small parties that never attract more than one or two percent of the vote in state races. I strongly believe that such a course is suicidal and would only result in splitting the conservative vote and guaranteeing the re-election of liberals and socialists." (Letter Link end of e-mail)

All over Colorado, 9-12 members and like minded individuals took up this challenge and heeded his warning. We did not abandon the Party; we stayed. Many of our unaffiliated and Libertarian members joined the GOP for just this year to work within the system to advance the conservative cause in beating back the Progressive cancer that is destroying America both in Washington and in Denver. We know the window to Restore America is closing and we know our best chance to defend her is through the path we have chosen; not for a Party, but for conservative values. For the last 18 months, you have worked tirelessly to improve the process. You have given of your time and money to move the process forward to the desired end result. You took up the Congressman's challenge and became delegates and have chosen candidates that you believe to best represent your values and principles. It is, in part, through his inspiration, the People have begun to retake the reins of government.

We are enduring a government that no longer respects the People. For 18 months, we have seen Federal and State governments enact laws in direct defiance to the will of the People. They do this because they believe we are too stupid to decide what's best for ourselves and our families and that we have no choice but to accept their rule.

In the face their defiance of the People, you have answered by standing up and loudly saying “enough is enough”. No more of Government deciding whats best for us. No more of government elitists separated from the realities of everyday struggles of work and raising families by legislated privilege and exemption from deciding for you. You have decided the time is now to stand up and say,“Government works for us, we do not answer to them”. Yet, Congressman Tancredo in his ultimatum says you, the People, made the wrong choice. You don't know what you are doing. By demanding that both candidates step down and he be appointed as the candidate or he will run under a minor party ticket, he has gone down the dangerous road of those that believe the People are too stupid to decide.
Congressman Tancredo issued the challenge of not leaving the Party, but to change it. He knew and we accepted that it was only through this effort that we could prevent a split within the movement that in his words would be “suicidal”. We accepted a minor party or third party run would do nothing but “ guaranteeing the re-election of socialists." America is at a cross roads. You have seen what is coming and you have answered the call. We hope that the Congressman remembers why you have and once again joins us in the fight to Restore America.

I will be happy to discuss this with any of our members.


Polling Data from 9-12 PPP: Note: cut off was 300 to meet reporting dead lines. Voting continued and is reported separately below as is the state wide sampling:

9-12 PPP Reported:

300 responses
GOP Dan Maes 223 74%
American Consitution Party Tom Tancredo 65 22%
GOP Scott McInnis 12 4%

9-12 PPP extended voting:

GOP Dan Maes 270 73%

AM Cont. Prty Tom Tancredo 81 22%

GOP Scott McInnis 19 5%

State wide results:

Dan Maes: 61%

Tom Tancredo: 33%

Scott McInnis: 5%

Other: 1%

The Congressman polled higher in his home CD

Links to Open Letters

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