
Friday, July 23, 2010

Obama's Affirmative Action...for Muslims!?

Obama's appointees around the country are pushing, elevating, promoting, preferring, encouraging, favoring and celebrating Islam in every corner of our Country, our laws and our culture. This is to the exclusion and many times replacement of the 300+ year tradition of our country as a broadly Judeo-Christian nation.

The lie is that this is done out of tolerance to Islam. The fact is that it is deliberately promoting one particular religion over all the others; that of Islam over every other one. Obama's motive is certainly a matter for serious debate, especially given hhis background as a Muslim. And given that our single most identifiable enemy in the ENTIRE WORLD right now is the radicalized Muslim through the teaching within their religion of JIHAD (Holy War). This comes in Three forms: Violent armed attack/political jihad, Religious Jihad, and Financial Jihad also known as Sharia Financing.

We must start talking about this...and quick! Why is this Administration Actively Promoting Islam throughout our country? Does Obama have the right? Does he have the authority to do this? Is Islam now a disadvantaged Religious group that it needs a handicap to level the playing field against Christianity to catch up to a 300 year late start? Is Christianity the ruling religion that needs to be taken down a notch to teach it a lesson? If Obama is a "Christian" does anyone find it odd that his natural inclination is not to revere or protect his own profoundly held Biblical beliefs but rather to labor diligently to advance the very enemy of his own country and his own faith?

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