
Friday, July 23, 2010

Wallbuilders' David Barton Endorses Ken Buck for Senate

The American Café,

Guys this is significant. This should tell you everything you need to know about our Senate Race here in Colorado.

Please work for (the candidate of your choice). This Primary is a big, big deal and is crucial to change the direction WITHIN the Party. We’ll tackle the General Election race afterwards but for now it’s all about the Primary. We MUST get fierce constitution-defending candidates into positions within our Party and shatter the incumbency control of our nominations.

If you don’t know what you can do to work for and help (the candidate of your choice) I have contact information and ideas for you. Email me individually.

Pray hard. Work hard. Pray some more.

Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café

PS. Regarding the Governors Race in Colorado and the circus it is becoming: Adrienne and I and the Grassroots activists that we know are continuing to support Dan Maes. We have a dozen of well informed reasons for doing so if you are interested in our opinion. Vote however you wish but we are not distracted by the Tancredo, McInnis, Maes thing.

From: Robin Coran []
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 6:36 PM

Please forward:

Dr. David Barton Endorses Ken Buck for U.S. Senate

Denver, CO—Author and historian, Dr. David Barton endorsed Republican Ken Buck for U.S. Senate today.

In a statement, Barton said—

America was founded upon the principles of moral integrity, inalienable rights, fiscal responsibility and individual liberty. Ken Buck believes these truths as they were expressed in our original documents as 'unalienable rights' or natural law. He understands, as our founding fathers understood, that to sustain a strong social order and a stable democratic government we must promote a broad public ethic and respect the original intent set forth in our founding documents.

"Ken has led a positive, grassroots campaign that has energized the Colorado voters to stand up against the progressive movement that has swept across our nation. When we elect people of sound character to represent us in Washington, we choose to bring America back to its strength & prominence.
I am pleased to endorse Ken Buck in the Colorado U.S. Senate race.”

“I’m honored to receive Dr. Barton’s endorsement,” said Buck. “Dr. Barton has recognizes the importance of this election. This is more great news for our grassroots campaign.”

David Barton is the Founder and President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage.


Owen Loftus Press Secretary
Buck for Colorado
Office (303) 756-BUCK (2825)

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Robin Coran/ Southern Colorado Field Director


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