
Thursday, July 15, 2010

The American Cafe-(Sorry to send out another one so soon. From Pete and Adrienne Robberson)


912 Pikes Peak Patriots

912 Project Community Activism

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Inside 9-12 – A look at what's happening in Colorado

20 September, 2009 (06:57) | Blog | By: Don

July 15 2010

Does the Colorado GOP stand for anything? (GOP Elite to turn back on Peoples Choice)
The media, both old and new, is buzzing with speculation on Scott McInnis dropping out of the Governors race and who and how he could be replaced on the primary ballot. The Denver Post reports that the Party may convene a selection panel to replace Scott McInnis. The Post also quotes Rich Coolidge, spokesman for the Colorado secretary of state, as saying his office was trying to determine if a candidate can be replaced, if one drops out while another candidate is still on the ballot.

Who and how Scott McInnis should be replaced? A Selection panel to tell people who the candidate will be? If these accounts are true, the GOP has decided that the established process of either making the ballot through the caucus and state assembly or petitioning on is to be ignored if the established Party elitists decide they can not live with who the People have chosen.

Many thousands of citizens have gotten involved this election cycle; not for politics, but for the sake of the country. The GOP is proving to be a Party clinging to the elitists' polities of the past that have destroyed its vision and dwindled its membership to fewer than 32% of the population; less than those who say they are Tea Party members. Who do these false power brokers think has allowed them to operate in the shadows for so many years? It is the same thousands that trusted them to do the right things, but who now know that the Party elite violated their trust.

Last night, we learned a paid operative for Tom Tancredo is planning a media assault in an attempt to destroy Dan Maes' character to allow Rep Tancredo to more easily step into the race. Like most of you, I've met Tom Tancredo and I like him. However, if he is hiring this type of individual to enhance his career outside the process and against the will of many of the voters, then his stock drops dramatically. Yesterday, on a Denver radio station, that paid operative called for Dan Maes to drop out of the race. We have seen e-mails from this individual stating they will attack Dan Maes soon. It will continue no matter the truth of neither what is said nor how it impacts and reflects upon on the GOP as a whole.

Senator Jim DeMint was quoted in the WSJ saying, "If you don't stand for anything, what's the point of winning?" It seems the GOP may stand for nothing. The true power is with the People; not the GOP power elitists. They don't understand who we are or how motivated we are to bring values and principles back into the political arena. If the Colorado GOP chooses the path reported in the Post, they will find out just who we are and how powerful an informed and fired up electorate really is.

Story Link:

Inside the story: "There is also the possibility that the winner of the primary could drop out of the general election and the GOP vacancy committee could appoint a replacement. Tancredo, who said he still supports McInnis, said he would consider jumping in the race. "If circumstances permit it, sure, yeah, I would," he said."

22 May 2010
First of all let me just say, "WOOOO HOOO!" Thank you. Been doing a lot of that the last few hours.
On the drive home from the State Convention today, I was processing what had just happened.
For those that may have missed it; Ken Buck won with 77% of the vote and Dan Maes received 49.35 percent of the delegate vote to Scott McInnis' 48.89 percent. Both candidates who are the GOP established party favorites were beaten by the two underdog and largely grass roots supported candidates.

9-12 and our partnering Tea Party umbrella organizations have gone from what our favorite political operative was calling "fringe" and "silly" as early as 10 AM this morning (before the vote) to a force bringing the peoples voice back into state politics. In just over one year, we have taken a few scattered individuals with no plan to a well organized and increasingly effective statewide organization. Of course, the "we" is each of you. You worked so hard over the last 13 months to take the dream of making a real impact into reality. Thank you.

For those that worked to become delegates, to those that are working hard on e-mails and phone calls or the effort to talk to your families about the challenges we face as a nation, thank you. A special thanks to our Independents and Libertarians who made the switch in parties to help advance the cause of limited and principled government, thank you so much. It was not an easy choice for you to make.

There is much to do now that we have achieved this victory. However, this was not a victory of one candidate over another, but a victory of your resolve and determination to take a process most of us knew little about and turn it on its head. We will not always agree on specific candidates, but we will always agree on the values and principles we now demand of ourselves and our elected officials.

Bob called me on the way home when he heard the results and said how proud he was to be a 9-12 member. I have to agree. It's an amazing day for all of us. There is much to do, but not today. Today we savor the success of 9-12 and each of it's members.

16 April 2010

15 April was the second annual El Paso county Tea Party and the people that came were what you would have expected; motivated and ready to take action to turn our country around. 9-12 PPP was granted the honor of once again speaking at this years event. It was a thrill and an honor to have been given the chance to represent 9-12 at this most important community event. All the speakers from the real grass roots community were wonderful in their message and in their commitment, not just of themselves but of the memberships they represent. We were all honored by the more than 2000 that came to Acacia Park and especially by the large number of Vets that came to hear our words. The next Tea Party for us is in June right here in Colorado Springs. While the Tea Party of 2009 was a wake up call; those of 2010 are calls to victory. Party on Garth; Party on Dwayne.. Party on America.

14 March 2010

As we get ready for the caucus on Tuesday, I want to thank everyone who is patricipating in the process. Many of us are doing it for the first ime and even more during an off year election cycle. As we do our duty as citizens, the very reason we are compelled to do it is under attack from our own US House of Representitives. The following is an e-mail I sent out to our members. America as we know it is being "fundementaly transformed", but even those who first heard those words and were thrilled to hear them have to be shocked at what that means.

I know this is a little long, but please take a minute to consider this. I believe it is the most serious issue we have ever faced. Those that came to the caucus meeting Saturday heard the talk about the "Slaughter Solution" in passing the Progressive Health Care plan. In an article yesterday, the Denver Post said "9.12 members are more steeped in religion and more prone to conspiracy beliefs". Really? The Speaker of the US House of Representatives is considering waving her hand to decree a bill passed without a vote in clear violation of Article I Section 7 of the US Constitution is no conspiracy belief; it is proof the Congress has no respect for the law, your family or the very foundation that America is a land of laws and not men (news articles on Slaughter Solution are below). We've asked you to do a lot over the last year in calling and faxing on health care. But this is way beyond issues of single payer or forced mandates. The fact that lawmakers are actually even entertaining the "Slaughter Solution" rips at the very fabric of what makes America free.

Next week the House may try to bring the issue up for a final vote. I ask and I beg of you to make the calls and do the faxes again. Call Representitive Lamborn and tell him that the 'Slaughter Solution" has no place in America and to shore up conservative resistance to the unconstitutional mandates and the fiscal disasters of this bill. Call Rep Markeys office and tell her we will work hard to remove her from office if she votes for either the actual bill or the "Slaughter Rule". Do the same with Rep Salazar.

Markey : Fort Collins Office: Phone (970) 221-7110
Salazar: Pueblo 719-543-8200 fax: 719-543-8204
Lamborn: DC Phone: (202) 225-4422 Fax: (202) 226-2638
Colorado Springs: Phone: (719) 520-0055 fax: (719) 520-0840

Even to consider a decree with no vote, shows how desperate and how much thirst for absolute power these people have. If you listened to Levin Thursday, you'll have heard this argument: If this occurs and the bill is signed into law, the Constitution will have been declared null and void, the power of Congress will be gutted and the President will have declared the Washington Progressive Extremists as Rulers of America. Health care will be the hailed as the law of the land, but it will be a lie. There will be no law, there will have been no vote and there will have been no legal authority. It will not be law, but it will be martial law without the troops.
Link: Washington Examiner Article on Slaughter Solution
US Constitution:
Article I Section 7
"But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively".

The fact that elected Representatives' are seriously considering by-passing Congress and suggesting the President then force dictates on American citizens without the rule of law should be sending shock waves through the entire country. If done once, it will be done again for more and more destruction of our freedoms. It is time to pick a side and take a stand.

Thank you,


8 Feb 2010
In just a few weeks, we celebrate the first anniversary of the 9-12 Project. It is staggering to think a year has passed. On 16 March 2009, millions of people from all across the nation gathered together as complete strangers to hear what we could do to begin to Re-found America. In homes, theaters and business we gathered. In Colorado Springs, by the many 100s, we came together in scattered places across the community. Most of us stunned at what we saw as the near complete collapse of our nations values and principles. If we were honest, many of us thought there was nothing that could be done to stop it.

On 16 March 2009, I was in a hockey rink standing with 300 complete strangers. I watched as three men handed out Tea Party cards and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Without knowing it, along with the millions who watched across America, 300 hundred strangers in a Colorado Springs hockey rink snack bar had just taken the first steps in securing America's future.

Two weeks later on a beautiful Colorado Saturday morning, the 9-12 Project District 5 met for the first time. Facilitated by Steve Babcock and a guy who had no clue what would happen and neither knowing if there would be a second meeting, 120 plus people packed the Stetson Hills CSPD Community Room. Many were angry; most were prepared to fight back, but weren't sure how, but we all knew that we could not fail our children again. We knew it was our fault we found ourselves this way; lost, angry and desperately looking for an answer. We didn't know it, but the answer was right there in the room with us and in homes and meeting halls all across the country. The answer was in us.

Thirteen days ago, I sat in a living room with eight American Patriots who had come together to give thanks to God and to pray for our country. It made me see clearly how lucky I am to be given the opportunity to be in this movement. To a stranger, there was nothing outwardly special about any of those there, but real power was on display. It made me think of every 9-12er and member of like minded groups who have taken the last year and dedicated themselves to restoring freedom; people with real lives and real problems who have put that all aside to do what they can for each other and America. How much sacrifice can we ask of the wife whose husband is gravely ill or the parents struggling with the daily pressures of work and family? The true power on display and proof we will prevail is we don't have to ask.

How far have we come in one year? We don't have to look very far for that answer. In just 365 days, we have seen the entire Progressive Agenda in America all but collapse. From a Health Care scheme designed only to control every aspect of our lives to the complete discrediting of the Climate change hoax; you have impacted America. Just in Colorado, we have seen 9-12 groups grow to twelve chapters from Fort Collins to Grand Junction. We have seen the partnership of like minded groups come together and grow in power under the banner of Operation Avalanche. We have seen the Constitutionalist Newspaper grow from an idea to a new vehicle to carry the voice for Conservative values to many thousands. We have come very far in one year.

The fight is not over and in many ways it has just begun, but we are no longer lost or seeking answers. We are on the offensive. America is waking up and you have made it so.

1 January 2010

Happy 2010!!

 It's hard to believe, but 2010 is finally here and I'm fired up; after a year of getting pounded by Washington, its now our turn. Its 2010, the year the People Strike Back. 2009 was the year Americans stood up to Washington. 2010 is the year Americans take Washington back. 

In just 306 days we vote those that have forgotten their oath to the Constitution and to the People out. A short 306 days of rolling up our sleeves and doing the work we told ourselves we would do last March. Congress has appointed themselves as "Rulers" of this country. Its time to get serious and to show the world we will not be ruled.

 2010 is getting off with a bang for 9-12 Colorado and our fellow Patriots. Politicians on all levels think we are tired and will just "go away" with the old year; that we were just a flash in the pan. Have we got surprises in store for "them".

 Besides our regular meeting on 13 Jan at 6:30 PM at CSCS 4855 Mallow Rd , agenda at end of this e-mail, we have a series of exciting events lined up for January and February. Mark your calendars, tell your friends, get fired up because the time for words is over; its time to act.

 9 January: 2010 Kick Off Rally: The People Strike Back! Where: Colorado Springs Christian School Auditorium 4855 Mallow Rd  at 11 AM. In a parallel event with our fellow Patriots of the Teller County Tea Party and their event in Woodland Park, we are lining up a great program. As of this morning confirmed are: 

Richard Randall

Jarred Rego  

Kevin Tebedo 

 Michelle Morin            

       Pending: Eric Miller (Founding Fathers Expert and fun speaker. Many of you saw him at our Denver Rally this summer)      

 We are also doing voter registration. This is a coordinated effort between 9-12 PPP and CCM.  Get ready to make some noise and kick off 2010.

 13 January: Rally to tell State Legislature that the people are watching. Where: Denver State House at 11 AM. 9-12 Colorado, Northern Colorado Tea Party, Southern Colorado Tea Party and others will 'greet" our State Legislators on their first day of work in 2010 with a Patriot Wall around the Capitol. Letters and notices will be delivered to both Houses informing them they have the People looking over their shoulders at every turn this session.  Be there if you can as the real fight for our future begins in Denver.

 13 January: 9-12 PPP regular meeting at CSCS 6:30 PM 4855 Mallow Rd. We are excited to have as a guest Speaker, Michelle Morin who, besides being an incredibly active Patriot and a driving force at CCM, is one of founders of Operation Avalanche. Michelle will give her insight on where the Patriot movement in Colorado is and strategies for 2010.

 30 January: 9-12 PPP hosts Crista Huff and Chis Holbert for Caucus Training and Colorado Politics 101. Where: Stetson Hills Police Station, 4110 Tutt at 9 AM. This training is important to those that have signed up for the caucus in March and should be an eye opener for all of us. Bring a friend, its time to roll up our sleeves to get educated and make sure true Conservatives get elected in Colorado. There is still time to decide on being actively involved in this process. Come out and see what needs to be done. All welcome.

 10 February: Town Hall with Dan Maes, Candidate for Governor of Colorado. Where: CSCS at 6:30 PM. I'm excited about this. The Governors race is the most important one we face in making Colorado a conservative fortress against what is coming from Washington and in fighting the real and dangerous Progressive agenda in our own back yard. Get your questions ready and start rounding up your friends. This will be a great opportunity just before we move into the caucus to determine who will be the candidate. CCM and all others are invited.

    Also for February, we are talking with Senatorial Candidate Ken Buck's campaign in coordinating in getting him in to talk with us. We'll let you know when that is finalized.

 I want to pass on that the Tea Party of El Paso County is having a continuous protest at Senator Bennet's office in Colorado Springs every day beginning on 6 Jan from 11:00 to 12:00 and lasting for at least three weeks. They ask everybody to pick one day a week to come. Please bring signs that are clean, to the point, and that we do not want the unconstitutional Obamacare.  This is an ambitious undertaking. Let's support them in this effort as we can.

 A busy start to an exciting 306 days! 

For the Organizers,


7 Dec 2009

   I'm so exited to pass this news on to you. When we started 9-12, we did it because we knew in our hearts that "we surround them". We have all worked hard to make that a reality in Colorado. Over the last nine months we have brought together the 912 chapters from all across the state into a coordinated group and have fostered a great working relationship with the Tea Party movement, especially the North Colorado Tea Party. But, now things have really come together. 

            Last Tuesday evening, an event occurred that I believe will change the face of Colorado. Michelle Morin and Clem Barkoski of CCM brought together grass roots groups and activist from all over the state to meet for the first time to start planning for the return of true Conservatism to the Colorado political landscape. Attending groups and activists were:

CCM – Host of the event

9-12 PPP

9-12 Fort Collins

9-12 Denver Front Range

9-12 Loveland

9-12 Denver South

9-12 Colorado State Coordinator

Northern Colorado Tea Party

Evergreen Tea Party

Teller County Tea Party

R Block Party

We the People

National Federation of Republican Woman Colorado

Green Dragon Tavern

Steamboat CO GOP

Green Horn Alliance for the Constitution

Young Professional Republicans

ACT for America

Clear the Bench Colorado

Crista Huff

Jeff Crank

Sean Paige

Two State Senators

   I am sure I missed a few groups and individuals in attendance and there were other groups and activists who just could not make it, but passed along that they are thrilled about the coalition being built. It was an amazing group to have in one place and you could feel the power of a real movement coming together.

   The initial purpose of the event was to put faces to groups and to share what we were about. From the meeting a set of rules to bring us together was put forth, called the "Gettysburb Charter and Gettysburg Accord". It put together the frame work for communications and consolidating efforts between the groups to maximize the impact of each groups activity.

       It was brought forward by the GOP present that there are 17 targeted races in the state for November; 17 races that will change government in Colorado. I want to assure you; the GOP members present in this meeting were conservatives first and will be fighting to have conservatives in office based on ideals and not party affiliation. 

        We are a part of a real grass roots movement in Colorado and one that is growing by the day. Your efforts and contributions over the last nine months helped made this happen. An Avalanche is building in Colorado and this November, the whole country will feel its power. We do surround them. Thank you all for what you have done to make this possible.

    As serious and as dangerous the times we live in are and as great the threats to are freedoms have become, there is real hope and a renewed sense that together we will win this fight.

28 November 2009

 The Fight Back to Restore the Republic

    As Washington continues with an agenda only designed to increase its power over the People, members of the 9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots are digging in for the fight back. Part of that fight is the election cycle of 2010, an election day that will change America by turning back the tide of Socialism and Progressive Extremism.

   Forty (40) 9-12 PPP  members have stood up and will participate in the political Caucus' to ensure only conservatives who will truly defend the Constitution and respresent the People are chosen as candidates  for Colorado and thirty seven members (37) have enlisted to be poll judges and watchers. All but a few have never made this commitment before, but know that this November we win the beginnings of restoring the Republic through the peaceful means of the ballot box or we fall further into the hands of an increasingly repressive government.   

   November 2010 is just one part of the fight, but the most important if we are to return the country to a place where government represents, not just special interests and governments own desire for  absolute power, but the People. Join us and take control of the political parties for the good of the country and to secure the future for our children.

23 Oct 2009

Another busy few weeks for 9-12 PPP as we move into the holiday season.

A very successful town hall was conducted with State Senator Dave Schultheis on the 14th of Oct. It was a great crowd with some very good questions presented by members and guests. The Senators' presentation on issues coming up this next legislative session was eye opening to say the least. The state faces some very big challenges with the budget and from Progressive attacks on the previous stated will of the People. We look forward to many more such events through next November.

ABC TV in the Springs acted as the back drop for our participation in the nation wide "Can You Hear Us Now" protests of an increasingly agenda  driven media. With renewed attacks from the White House on private news organizations and the US Chamber of Commerce for not agreeing with this government, these type protests may well be just the start. Thankfully, some in the media are waking up to this unprecedented attack by government on free speech. Couple these attacks with Nancy Pelosi referring to Americans expressing dissenting opinions on Health Care as "Un-American" and Harry Reid proclaiming American citizens as "Evil-Mongers" for speaking out against his extremist agenda show that we are in a fight against the highest levels of Government. This is a fight we will win and will go to any lengths to secure victory.

We are pleased to announce the group of "Clear the Bench Colorado" will be speaking at our 14 November meeting.  This is an often over looked area of the vote that is absolutely critical in an effort to bring common sense values to the State Supreme Court. The Court has been legislating from the bench and it's time to turn that job back to the Denver State House/Senate where the People have the final say.

For Colorado Springs residents, the city election is fast approaching. No matter what side of the budget issue you come down on, this is a critical vote for more responsible government. A get out the vote effort is required to make the true voice of the city heard. The voters will decide the fate of the budget, not special interests.

Some great news for the conservative community in and around El Paso County. A new newspaper is on the way. The Constitutionalist will be hitting news stands soon.

For 9-12, we are proud to announce a new chapter opening in Vail, Colorado.  This makes our 12th state wide group.

Finally, it is with sadness that I announce the loss of two of our organizers. Steve and Elise have stepped down from their positions and will be sorely missed. Elections to replace them will be held in November.

Our next meeting is this Saturday at 9 AM at the Stetson Hills Police station, 4110 Tutt Blvd.

Thank you for being in the fight. You're voices will be heard.

5 Oct 2009

October – A great time to get active

 Well, I have to say that October is going to be an amazing month for the 9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots, for Colorado and for the Nation. I couldn't be more fired up. We all know that soon it will be time to make those calls and send those faxes on Health Care. The House and Senate bills are being finalized and the definitive fight for health care in America will be played out very soon. Get ready, we will need everyone on the days Washington needs to hear from We the People

Mark your calendars for these incredible upcoming events. October is a great month for being active and for getting friends involved. I'm excited about what's happening and am looking forward to seeing you at all of you.

  14 Oct 09  9-12 PPP sponsored Town Hall with State Senator Schultheis, incumbent candidate for District 9. Where: TREA 834 Emory Circle at 6:30 PM. The Senator will give a presentation and be open for questions. As we enter the next state legislative session, many mandates we face from Washington will be fought on the State level. This is our event and is open to the public. Bring a friend and help them get involved. This is important to us as a 9-12 group and as informed citizens. See you there. Read about the Senator and view his voting record at: 

17 Oct 09 "Can You Hear Us Now" This is a flag and sign event and is a nation wide effort supported by 9-12 Colorado and the Northern Colorado Tea Party Patriots. Theme is STOP Spending, Gov Controlled HC, and a media in the tank for Government. This needs to be a big gathering as many in Washington have failed to heed the warnings delivered by America during the town halls in August and have ignored the 1.7 million Patriots who traveled to Washington. Stand with Americans all over the country on the 17th to send the most power message we have sent to date. The People Will Be Heard! Where? ABC TV on 8th Street. We all need to be there to make a real statement for media and government. Bring a friend, this will be one of the most important "Gatherings" we will do and is the most important to date. Plenty of parking in the Hobby Lobby area.

17 Oct 09 Meet Dan Maes, candidate for Governor Saturday, at 2:30 PM in Castle Rock at the Philip S. Miller Library 100 S. Wilcox Castle Rock CO 80104. I've met him before and will make the trip after the "Gathering". Read what Dan Maes says about activism and groups like 9-12 here: 

18 Oct 09 "Cinematic Tea Party" at the Pikes Peak Center. See the movie Not Evil Just Wrong. The film shows at 6PM. Also grassroots seminars, smaller special events, and speakers throughout the day in the various rooms the center has available. Tickets are free and available through Ticket Master starting Monday. More details to follow soon.

 31 Oct 09 9-12 PPP meeting Stetson Hills Police Station at 9 AM. Agenda out soon.

A reminder the informal Activism Council (you) meets this week:

Initial meetings to get things going at Old Chicago on Academy & Austin Bluffs at 6:30 PM 7Oct ,  Pike Perk Coffee Academy just north of Vickers 10AM 10 Oct and on line at web site (chat box) 13 Oct 6 PM. 

These are exciting times and your activism will save the Republic.

 See you soon,


2 October 2009

Rules For Counter Radicals

 In March, we walked into our first 9-12 meeting angry, stunned, not sure how we could fight back. The Progressives had co-opted the Democrat and Republican Parties and grabbed a majority of Independents and those who just heard words, just speeches, but not content. We felt we were going to be steam rolled by the Juggernaut of Old Media and 1.3 million Obama internet soldiers ready to fan out and force Cap and Trade, Gov Health Care and a host of evils upon us.

But something happened. What was it?…… YOU Happened. We organized and more importantly we started talking, connecting with other 9-12 groups and like minded individuals outside the groups.

So effective have we been we have all be stopped the Juggernaut and out maneuvered the 1.3 million Obama internet soldiers.

How Are We Doing It?

National Review on Line lays it out. 2004 A Democrat Joe Trippi wrote a book: Taking On The System: Rules for Radical Change in the Digital Age. The inspiration, Saul Alinsky.

What's happened is these are now the rules for Counter Radicals. Who are the counter radicals? YOU are!

You see these being applied very effectively today in attacking the CZARs and ACORN for examples.

How many send emails to friends about what's happening in the country or send letters in response to the Action Alerts? You are a counter Radical.

What are the rules?

By Pass the Gatekeepers: Old Media…no one is watching or reading them..their credibility is destroyed. New Media is taking over : Blogs, individuals, groups, pushing out information well in advance of the Old Media news cycles to impact Washington and State Houses. Example: HC Bills: LIVE PULSE BLOG yesterday…Jail Time for not having HC insurance. Story posted on net at 1153. By 2 PM it was exposed all over the internet.

Don't Wait for Authorization: We don't need to sit and wait to send information around the world. Verify the facts or if trusted source; send it. Twitter study shows information being sent today via Twitter is 6 hours ahead of the Old Media news cycle. By the time Old Media gets a story on the air , its old news. Old Media can't easily shape the debate anymore. Example: The DC March/ ACORN scandal.

What did OLD Media and the Administration do? They fell back on what has always worked. Intimidation: They trotted out Jimmy Carter and the Old media was all about claming we are racist because we disagree. Nancy Pelosi was crying crocodile tears because of the evil and threat of violence we present. Within a day they knew that doesn't work any more…We didn't accept it anymore.. Carter was tossed under the White House bus and Nancy is exposed for what she is.. a liar…Is she crying about the violence in Pittsburgh for the G20 meetings caused by leftist and environmentalists? NO.. and it's not being overlooked. He have reshaped the debate, not Old Media.

Target Your Villain: Sounds evil..but it's critical. How? Take the ACORN story.. it went from ACORN to specific targets: Harry Reid for blocking the investigation for now, 8 Senators and 53 Representatives who voted to keep giving this organization billions in taxpayer money. The 2010 elections will be the penalty these enablers of corruption pay.. these things are no longer sweep under the rug and forgotten.

Adapt and Innovate: Communicate events in real time to maximize impact. Head on a Swivel: Cap and trade to Heath care to Gov Ritter to ACORN and back again.

Embrace the ATTACKS: People like us..are under attack in the national and local media. We have been attacked in a local paper. That's good. Embrace it and counter forcefully, but respectfully with the truth. Remember, first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you…..Then what?   YOU WIN!!

Fight Focused, Win Big: There are a lot of distractions thrown at us. At first, it looked like we were going to be overwhelmed with everything all at once. Cap and Trade, Health Care, Card Check… but we focused our counters to Health Care and Cap and Trade… So effectively and so quickly that we have overwhelmed them.

And borrowing from Mark Lloyd: PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE!!!

Counter Radicals… That's you.. we are changing the debate, but we must continue to focus and work hard.. 2010 will determine which set of Radials wins this fight… the Progressive 1960s Radicals or the New 2009 Counter Radicals sitting in 9-12 meetings and behind keyboards all across the country. 

21 September 2009

Operation "Can You Hear Us Now".

On September 12th, the  old media choose to ignore the biggest gathering in Washington in recent memory and by some accounts in the history of the Capitol.  100's of 1000's to 1.7 million patriots marched on Washington to give our  government another chance to hear the American people.  In support, many more 100s' of 1000's across the country joined them on State Capitol grounds and in parks all across America.

How did the old media respond? ABC's Charlie Gibson said he knew nothing of the march because he was sailing that weekend. Perhaps someone on the ABC news room staff should also mention to Mr. Gibson that after a tough fight American forces have landed and successfully advanced on Omaha Beach.  How out of touch is  ABC's Mr. Gibson or CNN, NBC, or MSNBC? Not as much so as they may seem. The old media has an agenda; that agenda is the Progressive (Socialist) agenda being pushed by the White House and Congress. They didn't miss the story of the March of Washington, they ignored it. They are hoping in doing so they can help in ensuring the conservative grassroots movement will just die.

What old media doesn't understand (and they are missing this story) is the movement isn't going away. Can You Hear Us Now? Well, old media you will have a second chance very soon. The operation is in motion.  Maybe someone should wake Mr. Gibson.

19 September 2009

It has been an amazing few weeks within 9-12 Colorado and for the country. When the 9-12 Project formed in March, it was done with feeling that we had no voice, that Washington wasn't listening and we had to band together to bring the country back to a more sensible time.

What's happened just this week to make many think the tide has turned?
1. Several of our members traveled to participate in the "March on Washington" in a display that shook the Capitol Dome in it's symbolism; We are not alone and Washington hear us now while you still have time.
2. Many 1000s more of us gathered in Denver to show support for those that made the trip along with 100s of thousands across the country doing the same.
3. The "New Media" gave us an outlet that rattled Congress to its self-preservation core forcing them to look into corruption and fraud within ACRON and affiliated groups. State Legislators across the country, to include Colorado, are doing the same as they have heard the word of the people and know they must act.
4. 9-12 Colorado this week sponsored Constitution Day with a program as fine as any on the subject. One person had an idea and it grew into something amazing.
5. Locally, 9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots has expanded City Watch to Fountain, CO with plans to cover EL Paso County. The dedication of the City Watch leads and potential of what we can do as citizens armed with the knowledge and avenues to express our concerns to City governments are the basis and reason the 9-12 Project was created. The old saying that "All politics is local" is true, but the one of "You can't fight City Hall" is not.

9-12 PPP has finalized details for its first town hall sponsored meeting on 14 October as we move into the 2010 election cycle . This will prove to be informative and a necessary activity to become more informed and effective voters. Make plans to attend  and bring a friend.

We have done great things in a short few weeks. It doesn't take but a quick glance of the headlines to know we have much to do in the coming weeks and months.

Thank you for all you do,



Comment from Deb
Time September 20, 2009 at 8:00 AM

And we're not going away–only getting stronger!

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Time February 18, 2010 at 8:13 PM

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