
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Our 5th Independence Day Parade was a success!

The American Café,


Thank you so much for coming to our 5th Annual Independence Day Parade today. We had a phenomenal time.


Many guests came dressed in Red, White and Blue or in costumes. Kids decorated their bikes and moms decorated their strollers…and their kids with face-painting. As we got started Adrienne welcomed our guests and went over some walking rules using a megaphone to call out over the patriotic music. I said a few words reminding parents to watch their kids on the public streets and invited guests to stop over at the table to take a free, Pocket Constitution. We had materials inviting guests to participate in the local Tea Party, 9-12 groups, CCM and our own American Café. We also offered our American Majority Grassroots Training event, Ken Buck and Dan Maes literature and signs and even the Petition we’re circulating to block ObamaCare in our State.


Because we never really know how many people to expect we have to guess how much food and drink to have on hand. This time people kept coming and coming and panic began to rise inside. Thankfully nobody came empty-handed. They brought cookies by the hundreds! Many were home-made using centuries-old recipes from ancient Independence Day events. Others like ours were carefully hand-decorated by the skillful craftsmen up at King Soopers. We actually had 8 platters left over so we took them to the 9-12 Celebration we went to later in the day.


Then we got started walking. The weather was overcast; perfect for a parade! We processed all around the large circle that is Hackamore Drive North and South. Some rode in-line skates. Others rode their bikes or scooters. Moms pushed their babies in their strollers while many dads helped corral their kids. One family in particular made their own music by singing patriotic songs as they walked. Because Adrienne and the kids had passed out over 300 invitations this year, nearly double our usual amount, most of the neighbors knew we were coming. It has become the tradition in our neighborhood for folks to bring out their lawn chairs and lemonade and sit in the cool shade of their yards and wait until we come. Families waved and sounded horns or noise-makers as we passed by. One 90 year old veteran up the street met us by throwing handfuls of candy and chocolate to the kids. He couldn’t stop giggling and laughing. I think it really meant a lot to him.


When the fire truck came on schedule at 10:00 we cleared the road to let it pass. He sounded the siren and lit his lights and came to rest right in front of our home. We had decorated our house with flags, balloons and streamers, yard signs and still more flags so they knew just where to stop. They set up as we gathered back at the house.


Arriving back to the house hot and tired everyone swarmed the Snow Cone Machine. Snow Cones are always a big hit and were again this year. Emily and Josiah served about 130 icy treats to cool us all down. Adrienne poured out Lemonade by the gallon and our guests hung around in the shade meeting one another and enjoying America’s Birthday.


Everyone enjoyed watching the Colorado Springs Fire Department demonstrate some of their equipment. This included showing us the legendary, hydraulic Jaws of Life which they used to pry William away from the cookies. They enjoyed talking with the kids, young and old alike and stayed with us for about 45 minutes until most of the crowd thinned out. We want to say a very special thanks to them for coming!


I usually don’t think of it until afterwards, and then I just ask Adrienne what her guess was, but it was so crowded I just had to know. I counted over a hundred guests and estimated that another third had already gone home. We think we had around 150 people come today! What a wonderful time! Thank you for making it if you did!


We’ll see you all on Thursday night for another American Café weekly prayer and Action group.


Happy Birthday America,


Peter and Adrienne Robberson

Emily, Josiah, William, Teddy and ?




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