
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Grassroots Training Event coming up

Tea Party Attendees (from April 15th at Acacia Park),


It’s been 3 months since we met you at Acacia Park for the April 15th Tea Party event. You may remember that we sat under an American Majority banner and handed out hundreds of Pocket Constitutions. We host meetings in our home praying for America and Training Coloradoans to become effective Citizen Activists from home.


Some of you signed up asking to be kept in the information loop as other events came up.


We have an American Majority Grassroots Training coming up a week from Saturday here in Colorado Springs, on August 7th. Adrienne and I would love to have you come if you can. This is your invitation.


This is a four-hour training on Political Action. We already do many of the things we teach in the course at our weekly home groups however this goes much deeper. If you have been unable to attend weekly this may be a way to get in gear in just one day. As you know our goal is to urge Christians and good Citizens to engage through Prayer and Political Action.


For all the information click on the following link or under on the Map, and under Colorado for Training details. To come to this training you’ll need to Register Online. Note that there is a fee paid to American Majority of $25 for attending this Training.


Come if you can and tell all your friends to come too. This coming weekend, July 31, I am running a Training down in Pueblo if that is more accessible to you. (We have made numerous overtures to the Pueblo Tea Party and have not gotten much response yet.)


Also, this fall we’re expanding again. We will host several home groups and weekly classes on the Constitution and on the book The 5000 Year Leap. We’d love to have you come to any of these. Call or email us for details.


These are critical times and we need every hand on deck to battle for our Country and for our Constitution.




Peter and Adrienne Robberson





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