
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Obama v. Arizona


If you are among the millions of Americans outraged by the Federal Governments intrusion on Arizona’s states rights and their bullying of Arizona please follow what’s going on through and sign the petition to push back. Consider vacationing in Arizona to break the boycotts of Arizona that are out there also. There is so much intimidation right now that Arizona policemen are afraid of enforcing the new Arizona law for fear of being accused of “racial profiling” by the federal government.

Intimidation is how this group does business from border to border against Americans, against banks, car manufacturers, small businesses, big businesses, Mortgage companies, Wall Street, oil companies, energy companies; and intimidation against our world allies internationally with the scary exception of those radical socialist and Muslim interests.

Wake up soon before this becomes the nightmare we can’t wake from…People still think this will just cycle through. It is not intended to just cycle through. He has said so repeatedly and has the personnel in place to make it permanent. (If you have not noticed, the Establishment Republicans are every bit a part of the problem and have been for nearly 100 years now.) It’s not enough to vote “R” anymore.

A small group of us (just a few million) cannot enforce accountability to the Constitution against this Regime and those complicit within the Republican Party alone. Stand with those in the “Liberty Movement”; the Grassroots, the 9-12 groups, the “tea partiers” the thousands of liberty-minded groups who fight this battle daily and need reinforcements. If you need info about who is doing what in your area I might be able to help point you. Please join Adrienne and I and get in the game!

Pete Robberson, Colorado Springs


From: Patriotic Resistance []
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 9:30 AM
Subject: Obama v. Arizona


A message to all members of Patriotic Resistance

Grassfire Nation Update
Obama v. Arizona

Dear Patriot,

The Obama team just played the race card in the State
of Arizona.

Attorney General
Holder is not only refusing to back down
on the Obama lawsuit against Arizona's new immigration
law (S.B. 1070), he is now threatening a second lawsuit.

Holder said that in six months or a year the federal
government could come back and file a lawsuit against
Arizona to determine "whether or not there has been that
racial profiling

Holder was signaling that the Obama team is ready to unleash
the full force of the federal government against Arizona.

These are not idle threats. We should not be surprised if
any race-based lawsuit from the Obama team includes so-called
"hate crimes"
allegations. The intent is clear: demonize --
and possible criminalize -- anyone who opposes the Obama
amnesty agenda.

+ + Take A Stand For Immigration Law

This latest race-based attack on patriotic Americans means
we must do even more to stand against the Obama-Lefts agenda.

Grassfire Nation and ResistNet are planning on presenting
250,000 petitions at a National Immigration Policy Summit
that begins July 30 in Phoenix. This also coincides with
the first court ruling on the Obama teams lawsuit against

But that means we must rally more than
108,000 additional
signers over the next two weeks.

We are asking every person in the Grassfire
Nation and ResistNet to take a moment to sign
this petition. We must send a strong message.
Go here:

+ + "We Stand With Arizona Project"

After you sign the petition,
join our "We Stand With Arizona
Project" on ResistNet by clicking here:

From here
you'll find up-to-the-minute resources on this issue.
Plus, you'll have the opportunity to talk with other citizens
from across the nation who are involved in the growing push
to support S.B. 1070.

The Obama
team has just played the race card. They are trying
to use Arizona to demonize patriotic Americans who simply want
the government to secure our borders and stop the illegal invasion.

Thanks in
advance for taking action.

Your friends at Grassfire Nation and

P.S. Check out our new WE Stand with Arizona T-Shirts and Merchandise

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Visit Patriotic Resistance at:


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