
Thursday, July 22, 2010

The American Cafe Recommends: The Social Conservative Review: The Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News--July 22, 2010

The American Café,


Forgive me for sending another contact out so quickly. Let me know if you are getting too much. I want to respect your time and your individual levels of Action.


I want to suggest you sign up for this weekly Review from the Family Research Council, As you can see it links a few dozen articles that pertain to the last week in our Country’s politics and Culture.


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Peter and Adrienne Robberson

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From: Family Research Council []
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 4:06 PM
Subject: The Social Conservative Review: The Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News--July 22, 2010


Family Research Council



The Social Conservative Review: The Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News--July 22, 2010
July 22, 2010 | | Share with Friends

The Social Conservative Review:
The Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News
July 22, 2010

Check out FRC Action's Webcast: "Mission Compromised: How the military is being used to advance a radical agenda." Through proposals to have abortion at military medical hospitals and clinics and to allow open homosexuality in the Armed Forces, the Obama Administration is placing our military at risk and using service personnel to advance a radical social agenda. Our Webcast, featuring distinguished military and political leaders, explains how.

Family Research Council's latest publication, "The Defense of Marriage Act: What It Does and Why We Must Keep It," has just been issued. This important booklet, authored by FRC Senior Fellow Chris Gacek, Ph.D., J.D., explains why DOMA is essential to the well-being of families and the very institution of marriage itself. It is available as a PDF at, where you can also order hard copies. Marriage is under attack -- and our new publication will help you take action to protect and defend it.

Additionally, FRC's Senior Fellow for Family Empowerment, former Ohio Secretary of State and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Commission Ken Blackwell, and FRC's Director of the Center for Religious Liberty Ken Klukowski, J.D., appear in today's Wall Street Journal discussing the unconstitutionality of the Obama health care plan and how the federal courts might view the lawsuits brought against the new medical care mandate.

Educational Freedom and Reform

*        "Which Sex Position Will Your Kid Learn?," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council

*        "Excerpts from proposed Helena, Montana sex ed curriculum," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council

*        "NEA celebrates 'drag queen' teachers," Bill Bumpas, OneNewsNow

*        "Authorizing Charters," Terry Ryan, Michael B. Lafferty and Chester Finn, Education Next

*        "Tale of Two Cities," Nathan Glazer, Education Next

*        "Secularism in Academe," Jordan J. Ballor, The Acton Institute

*        "Should States Let the Federal Government Set Education Standards for Schools?," Heather Horn, The Atlantic

Environmental Issues

*        "A Climate Absolution?," Opinion, The Wall Street Journal

*        "Spiritual Labor and the Big Spill," Ray Nothstine, The Acton Institute

*        "Feds to fund study of Chesapeake microorganisms," Associated Press

*        "Feds haven't treated spill like national disaster," James Carafano, The Washington Examiner

*        "The Gulf Oil Spill-a Catholic Response," Don Clemmer, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

*        "BP and the Tragedy of the Commons," William F. Shughart II, Human Events

*        "The Climategate Whitewash Continues," Patrick J. Michaels, The Wall Street Journal

Faith and Policy

Check out Speak Up site for Chaplains, Alliance Defense Fund's new project.

*        "Who's Telling the Truth -- NASA's Chief or the White House?," Ken Blackwell, Fox News

*        "Don't devalue Christian heritage," Fr. Robert Sirico, The Detroit News

*        "Hard to Believe? Biblical Authority and Evangelical Feminism," Albert Mohler, Crosswalk

*        "Residents protest over ban on displays; vote delayed," Crystal Owens, Loudoun Times

*        "Pew: Religion less important to young," Jeremy Foster, KTAR

*        "The Signpost at the Crossroads," Joseph Bottum, First Things

*        "The Kenya connection," Editorial, The Washington Times

Health Care

*        "Rationed Healthcare and Assisted Suicide," Jeanne Monahan, Family Research Council

*        "Obamacare: The President's Wooden-Headed Interpretation of Our Constitution," Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski, Family Research Council

*        "Will Obama Keep His Abortion Promise?," Bob Maginnis, Family Research Council

*        "Maryland Becomes Second State to Offer Federally Funded Abortions under Obamacare," Matt Cover, CNS News

*        "Health insurers may soon offer contraceptives at no extra cost," Michelle Andrews, The Washington Post

*        "Federal judge hearing arguments in health care reform lawsuit in Detroit," Santiago Esparza, The Detroit News

*        "AMA asks insurers to examine doctor-rating programs," Patrick G. Lee, The Boston Globe

*        "Steny Hoyer maintains individual mandate is not a tax," Kerry Picket, The Washington Times

*        "Berwick: Bigger Than Kagan," Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal

*        "Dr. No: America doesn't need a rationer-in-chief," Reps. Phil Gingrey, Tom Price and Charles Boustany, The Washington Times

*        "Lost in Taxation: The IRS's vast new ObamaCare powers," Editorial, The Wall Street Journal

*        "Insurers Push Plans Limiting Patient Choice of Doctors," Reed Abelson, The New York Times

*        "Rationer in Chief: The Confirmation Hearing That Wasn't," Republican Staff Commentary, Joint Economic Committee

Homosexuality in the Military

*        "The "Don't Ask" Trojan Horse Strategy," Bob Maginnis, Family Research Council

*        "Kagan and the Military: What Really Happened," Pete Hegseth, The Wall Street Journal

*        "Speaking out," Edward Lee Pitts, WORLD Magazine

*        "Gay ex-officer to testify against military's ban," Associated Press


Read FRC Action's Tom McClusky's posts on the Kagan nomination at The Cloakroom.

*        "FRC Action Statement On Elena Kagan's approval by the Senate Judiciary Committee," Press Release, FRC Action

*        "Freedom from Religion Foundation v. Barack Obama," Legal Brief filed by FRC's Ken Klukowski

*        "Motion: Freedom from Religion Foundation v. Barack Obama" Petition for leave to participate in oral argument, filed by FRC's Ken Klukowski

*        "Elena Kagan's intolerance," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council

*        "Prayer shushed on Supreme Court steps," Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow

*        "FRC Opposes Supreme Court Decision in CLS v. Martinez," Press Release, Family Research Council

*        "Kagan Promoted Shariah Law at Harvard," Dick Morris and Eileen McGann,

*        "Kagan's Shariah problem," Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., The Washington Times

*        "Is Elena Kagan Morally Blind?," James Lewis, American Thinker

*        "When Kagan Played Doctor," William Saletan, Slate

*        "C. Everett Koop urges senators to block Kagan," Kathy Kiely, USA Today

Marriage and Family

Family Economics

*        "It's Not Only about 'the Economy, Stupid'. It's About Freedom," Ken Blackwell, Family Research Council

*        "GOP: Keep Bush Tax Cuts to Create Jobs," Donald Lambro, Human Events

*        "When Debt Flies Off the Charts," Veronique de Rugy, The American

*        "Keynes is Dead; Long Live Adam Smith," Lynn Woolley, Human Events

*        "How Financial Reform Discriminates -- Unless Your Daughter Goes to Wellesley," Terry Jeffrey,

*        "About That Financial Reform 'Victory'," Kimberley A. Strassel, The Wall Street Journal

*        "The Economic Case Against the Death Tax," Curtis Dubay, The Heritage Foundation


*        "Judge Strikes Down Traditional Marriage," Chris Gacek, Family Research Council

*        "FRC's Tony Perkins Decries D.C. Court of Appeals Decision to Block Marriage Vote," Press Release, Family Research Council

*        "God + Intact Family = Less Likely to Abort First Pregnancy," Michael Leaser, Family Research Council

*        "Homosexual Agenda is Low Priority-Even for Democrats," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council

*        "Religion and Morality in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate," Thomas M. Messner, The Heritage Foundation

*        "DC Court of Appeals: OK to lock out voters on marriage," Press Release, Alliance Defense Fund

*        "How I went from committed lesbian to a happily married mother of four," Jackie Clune, The Daily Mail

*        "Support for gay marriage has grown in recent years, new poll finds," Shelby Grad, The Los Angeles Times

*        "Looking for Time Bombs and Tea Leaves on Gay Marriage," Adam Liptak, The New York Times

*        "Argentina Legalizes Gay Marriage," Associated Press


*        "Dr. Pepper's suggestive ad campaign," KSLA News

*        "Watch out women, Porno will steal your soul!," David J. Ley, Ph.D., Psychology Today

*        "Computer Monitoring Software Keeps Kids Safe from Internet Pornography," PRWeb

*        "Court Decision Striking Down Broadcast Indecency Ban is 'Anti-Family,' Says FCC Commissioner Copps," Pete Winn,

Religious Liberty

*        "Lackadaisical About Religious Liberty," Rob Schwarzwalder, The Washington Times

*        "The Problem with Purim," Abby Wisse Schachter, Commentary Magazine

*        " God and Gettysburg," Robert George, First Things

*        "Police say prayer illegal on U.S. Supreme Court grounds," Press Release, Alliance Defense Fund

*        "Bad theology in the House of Representatives," Allie Bullard, Associated Baptist Press

*        "Promoting Religious Liberty: Whither the Obama Administration?," Doug Bandow, The Huffington Post

*        "Veiled Threats?," Martha Nussbaum, The New York Times

*        "Uzbek Women Accuse State of Mass Sterilizations," Associated Press

*        "An American Honor Killing," Abigail Pesta, Marie Claire

*        "New Zealand Christian school ordered to pay compensation after firing gay sports coach," Associated Press

Sanctity of Life


*        "Myth And Fact: The Truth About Ella And How It Works," Jeanne Monahan, Family Research Council

*        "FRC Responds to Flawed British Study on Fetal Pain ," Press Release, Family Research Council

*        "Obamacare abortions on tap," Editorial, The Washington Times

*        "You Can't Take the Back Alley Out of Abortion," Mary Rose Somarriba, First Things

*        "Undercover Video Exposes Abortion Clinic," Elisabeth Meinecke, Human Events

*        "California Poll Shows Voters Still Pro-Abortion, Could Impact Senate Race," Steven Ertelt,

*        "Court tosses Planned Parenthood to legal 'bounty hunter'," Drew Zahn, WorldNetDaily

*        "White House Backs Kenyan Constitution Allowing Abortion," Tess Civantos, Fox News

*        "Jindal signs abortion regulation bills," Associated Press

*        "Endangered Species: Do pro-life Democrats have a future?," John McCormack, The Weekly Standard

*        "500 Abortions A Day In Britain," Kirsty Buchanan,

*        "Plan C, for conscience," Cristina Alarcon,

*        "Bringing science to the abortion debate," Daniel Allott, The Washington Times

*        "Obama Admin Authorized Abortion Funding in Third State Under Health Care Law," Steven Ertelt,

*        "U.S. aid to Kenya to push easing of abortion laws hit," Kathryn Watson, The Washington Times

*        "Fertility Treatment Leads to Twins, Then Abortion," John Johnson, Newser


*        "Adopting special-needs kids tough but rewarding, parents say," The State Journal-Register

*        "Adoption Agency: Major Increase in US Interest in Orphans," Christian Post

*        "An Adoption Movement? Agencies Say Interest on Rise,"

*        "Ethiopian orphans need families," Johnny Carr, The Washington Post

*        "Adoption Is Everywhere," Ted Olsen, Christianity Today


*        "Genetic testing mix-up reignites debate over degree of federal regulation needed," Rob Stein, The Washington Post

*        "The Euthanasia Drumbeat Gets Louder," Mark P. Mostert, American Thinker

*        "How does one choose end-of-life care?," Sabina Dana Plasse, Idaho Mountain Express

*        "Assisted Suicide Debate Continues," Father John Flynn, LC, Zenit

*        "Family's wish, doctors' dilemma," Stephen Smith, The Boston Globe

Stem Cell Research

*        "Shame on the MS Society," Mark Pickup

*        "How Saving Umbilical Cords Saves Lives," Bonnie Rochman, Time

*        "Universities Bank on Stem-Cell Research," Robert A. Guth, The Wall Street Journal

*        "U.S. appeals court reinstates stem cell suit," Maggie Fox and Jeremy Pelofsky, Reuters

*        "Scientists Make Immune Cells In Mice That Fight Off HIV," The Huffington Post

Other Articles of Note for Social Conservatives

*        "Why Natural Law Still Matters for Conservatives," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council

*        "Vernon Baker, An American Hero," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council

*        "The Return of the Jeffersonian Vision and the Rejection of Progressivism," Michael Barone, The American

*        "The Spirit of Independence: The Social Psychology of Freedom," Lee Harris, The American

*        "Scientists expected Obama administration to be friendlier," Tom Hamburger and Kim Geiger, Tribune Washington Bureau

*        "The selective modesty of Barack Obama," Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post

*        "The Obama-Pelosi Lame Duck Strategy," John Fund, The Wall Street Journal

*        "The Town Hall Revolt, One Year Later," Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal

*        "Poll: D.C. elites a world apart," Andy Barr, The Politico

*        "Iran Cannot Be Contained," Bret Stephens, Commentary Magazine

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