
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Show Me The Money, NAACP!

"Yesterday [Monday], it was reported that the NAACP had publicly announced it would pass a resolution condemning the whole of the American Tea Party Movement, and asserting that our movement is "Racist". Those of us in this patriotic movement know immediately just how dishonest and blatantly self-serving this action is. We know what we have been and are fighting for, and we know that racism has not been any part, either spoken or by our actions in anything we have done. But sadly, this organization continues to beat the word "racist" into every action or agenda knowing the divisive nature and intimidating nature of the very word. As the chairperson of the Elbert County Tea Party I am going on record, and per the request by the St. Louis Tea Party for us to join with them, in condemning and exposing the totally illogical and dishonest nature of the NAACP's actions. In the end they discredit themselves and harm their mission much more that they do ours, but we must have the courage and the willingness to stand up and call dishonesty exactly what it is, DISHONEST!"-Robert Rowland,Chairman, Elbert County Tea Party, Elbert County, Colorado.

And now my take on the NAACP's attempt to intimidate the Liberty Movement into silence by accusation of racism: What a racist thing of the NAACP to do! Only to the NAACP is everything about race. Only to the Race Baiting leaders within the "Race Business" and the ignorant sheep that follow them does the country revolve around race. I know hundreds of folks within the Liberty Movement and none of them are racists or motivated by race. These people [NAACP] must be ignorant of our Country, its founding, the values and ideals of its Founders and the God most of them bowed their knee to. What a shame that the Racism on the Left is so powerful that people without the capacity for critical thinking would be tempted to buy their phony baloney!

Only good people who ARE NOT racists are intimidated by the accusation. If you said of the late Robert Byrd, a Grand [Master] of the Ku Klux Klan before he became a Democrat Senator, "you are a racist!" the Klansmen would say, "yes. And your point is...?" Only good, decent, moral, law abiding, fair-minded people are horrified to be accused of racism because it is so reprehensible to them. It hurts. It is the below the belt punch that is meant to cripple. The racist left and those in the Race Business, like [apparently some of] the leadership of the NAACP proposing this laughable resolution, hope that this political gesture will isolate the Liberty Movement like Saul Alinsky recommends. They hope that the thousands of blacks within the Liberty Movement will bail out for fear of being accused of being "Uncle Toms." They HOPE the public majority with a favorable opinion of the angry Town Hall-going citizens, the 9-12 Groups, the thousands of liberty groups and millions of Patriots nationwide, will CHANGE their view of the "tea partiers." The very accusation exposes the racism of the accuser and the innocence of the accused.

But a false accusation of racism must never go unanswered. I hereby call the cards of those in the Race Business. Prove it! You think you know what is in the hearts and minds of millions of people who marched on Washington DC on September 12, 2009 then show me the money! The accusation itself is meant to create the story much like asking the question "So how long has it been since you stopped beating your wife?" News outlets widely reported how union members and race baiters were infiltrating rallies and demonstrations against big government, their disregard of the Constitution and their assault on individual Liberty, by coming into gatherings as strangers but making a scene in front of the news cameras. The Racist Left has to manufacture racism on TV in order to try to create a storyline of racism within the Liberty Movement for America.

I say show us the money NAACP. While you're at it ask the Black Panthers whose racist, murderous thugs who intimidated white voters to stay away from the polls, who were being convicted of their crimes on overwhelming evidence but whose Attorney General and President dropped the case to protect them; ask them about Racism. Maybe the NAACP will draw up a resolution "condemning all Black Panther Members who intimidate voters across America for being racist." At least for that the NAACP will have some evidence to support their ridiculous claim!

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