
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Obama Administration breaks law, Siljander Amendment

Kenya Gets Lion's Share of Illegal
Secretary Hillary Clinton is certainly making good on her promise to launch an international goodwill tour for abortion. In January, the former First Lady was clear that the State Department's mission for the next five years is bullying every country to overturn its pro-life laws. In news that broke yesterday, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of USAID, the U.S. Agency for International Development, provided members of Congress with evidence of a plot by the U.S. government to lobby Kenyans to legalize abortion in their new constitution. FRC has been aware of the situation since February when members of our senior staff met with Bishop Anthony Muheria of the Kenyan Diocese of Kitui. When we s! poke with him, he told us he believed that organizations were receiving U.S. funds to advocate for a constitution that includes the legalization of abortion-on-demand.

This OIG report only confirms Bishop Muheria's worst fears--fears that Congressman Chris Smith shared. He, along with two other U.S. lawmakers, demanded an investigation into whether taxpayer dollars were, in fact, being used to sway people to vote "yes" on the referendum legalizing abortion--a policy that most Kenyans oppose. "There is no doubt that the Obama administration is funding the 'yes' campaign in Kenya ," Rep. Smith said. "By funding [groups] charged with obtaining 'yes' votes, the administration has crossed the line." That "line" is known as the Siljander Amendment, which makes it illegal for the U.S. to use federal funds to lobby for abortion abroad. As part of the talks with the USAID's Inspector General, Congressman Smith learned that seven organizations took home hundreds of thousands of dollars to "contribute to an 'overrepresentation' of the 'Yes' voters."

Now it's important to note that the OIG isn't a partisan entity, so when it suggests that the administration is engaging in illegal activity, there is serious cause for concern. This administration is so determined in pursuing its radical social agenda, that it will stop at nothing--not even the law. To be clear, there's nothing illegal with the U.S. participating in a global get-out-the-vote campaign, but this administration has gone well beyond that to using American tax dollars to support a Kenyan law that will greatly expand abortion. The President's wholesale promotion of abortion isn't just seeping into American policy; it's turning the State Department into a lawless, international ACORN.

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