
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Salvatori Prize Goes to Tea Party Movement | The Heritage Foundation

The American Cafe was just awarded The Heritage Foundation's 2010 Salvatori Prize for American Citizenship as citizen-patriots of The Tea Party Movement! Read about it below.

Salvatori Prize Goes to Tea Party Movement | The Heritage Foundation

We have been buying and distributing thousands of Pocket Constitutions through American Cafe's Constitution Project over the past 9 months and recently received a phone call from Heriatge. Their representative interviewed Adrienne for about 15 minutes asking about The American Cafe, our Consititution Project, our annual Parade and our other activities for Liberty! There was no mention of any sort of Award during the call so we were quite surprised to receive a huge box from Heritage today!

Today we received a Letter of Appreciation signed by President Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D. Also a Certificate of Recognition signed by Edwin Meese III-Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy and Chairman of the Center for Legal and Judician Studies and by Matthew Spalding-Director of the B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies. We also received a First Principles gift package that includes The Heritage Guide to The Constitution by Edwin Meese III, We Still Hold These Truths by Matthew Spalding, The Founders Almanac and the First Principles Series, a 3 book series including Reading the Right Books, Why States and How to Read the Federalist Papers. What an extraordinary surprise!

We are so thankfull to all the members of The American Cafe that have worked with us and share in this Recognition. The Liberty Movement is not just a few people. It is tens of thousands of Constitution-minded, freedom-minded, liberty loving citizens who have become fed up with our plunge toward into Progressivism. Individually we are making a little difference but together we may actually recapture this GREAT country of ours.

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