
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The American Cafe Constitution Giveaway

The American Café

Well, as the fall ramps up we are starting off right!

This Friday and Saturday, September 10th and 11th The American Café has been invited to distribute free Constitutions and Declarations at Focus on the Family’s Annual Patriot Day Celebration! We need help manning our table.

On Friday we’ll set up about 3pm at the Focus on the Family Bookstore. We’ll hang a banner, arrange a table and then greet guests, give free Pocket Constitutions and invite to attend our Thursday night home-groups. We’ll be done around 7pm. If you can help us please email back or phone us at the house-719-573-2193.

On Saturday, September 11th we will begin around 8:30am and be finished around 4:30pm. It would be great to have about 2 of you at any given time. Maybe you could join us for a couple hours AM or PM for example. Again, please volunteer to work with us for a couple hours sometime this weekend. Get back to us by email or phoning us here at the house at 573-2193.


We will be hosting a table at all 3 services this Sunday at New Life Church for their Small Groups Sunday. There are two services Sunday morning and another service on Sunday Evening. It would be great to have two people for each Service. Adrienne will be at a “Women On Target” NRA shooting event all day long so I will be on my own the whole time if I get no help.


Our First Birthday for The American Café Prayer and Political Action groups is September 16th here at the house. This will kick off our fall schedule and we’ll continue to meet weekly after that. We’ll gather at 6:30 and start promptly. We’ll spend more time in prayer this week than some weeks. Then we’ll push you all out by 8:30pm at the latest. ***Please help us be finished by then so we can get picked up and get the kids ready for bed. We feel that trying to end more promptly will be helpful to other with kids as well.

One more thing:

If you have not attended our American Majority Grassroots Training I urge you to make the time this fall. It is a 4 hour training to equip Grassroot-ers to become more effective in changing our political landscape. There is a charge of $25 which includes materials and snacks. Our next one will be at September, 16th at the Re/Max Properties Community Room at 2630 Tenderfoot Hill Drive. Our objective is to train, motivate and equip as many folks as possible through southern Colorado. Registration and payment online is required at under the Training tab for Colorado. This is a powerful training. I know because I teach their material!

Please help us out this weekend if you can.


Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café


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