
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Slanderers Shamed! Dan Maes Releases File, Vindicated!

Guys, I know many of you in our group are pulling for Dan Maes so I am passing this along. It should be of interest to you who have steadfastly held to Dan's Honesty, Integrity, Truthfulness and Character. See Below...

September 28, 2010

Nate Strauch


(ENGLEWOOD) – Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes today released all personnel documents related to his 1985 dismissal from the Liberal Police Department.

Among the revelations in the file are third-party confirmations of his involvement in a confidential investigation with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, as well as a circa-1985 account by Maes closely matching his recent recollections of the events.

“I have maintained from the beginning the veracity of my account - an account that has now been independently verified,” commented Maes. “The accusation that I somehow fabricated the story of working with KBI has now been completely debunked, and I would hope that my critics will now apologize with the same zeal they formerly used to attack. I would also encourage any Republicans who withdrew their support based on the inaccurate initial reports to reconsider their decision and once again support the Republican nominee for Governor.”

According to a July, 10, 1985, dismissal letter from then-Chief of Police Richard A. Kistner, Maes met with Kansas Bureau of Investigation agents on at least two occasions regarding a local bookmaking operation. In Maes’s July 15, 1985, appeal of his dismissal, he recounts taking information on the ring to his superiors long before an investigation was launched, delivering confidential information on the ring to a trio of named KBI agents, and an impassioned defense of his conduct in the case.

“I’m ecstatic that we can finally put this matter behind us and return the focus in this race to the issues,” concluded Maes. “Coloradans are concerned about jobs and the economy, and frankly, we’ve all seen enough of these sideshows, red herrings, and paper tigers. Let’s put the focus back where it should be: getting Colorado back to work.”
**(The American Cafe neither supports nor endorses any Political candidate for office or Party)

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