
Friday, September 17, 2010

Dan Maes Money Bomb TODAY!

The American Café,


Adrienne and I just sent $100 to Dan Maes at Here is why: The Grassroots in Colorado brought Victory to Dan Maes against the Republican Party pick, McInnis in the Primary. This was against unbelievable odds and being outspent 20 to 1. The Republican ruling class and PowerBrokers refused to accept the Grassroots Victor Dan Maes just as they did in New York, tried to do in Alaska and this week in Delaware too. (They did the very same thing with Norton over Buck but finally relented.) They abandoned the very Party that our Grassroots is beginning to Successfully REFORM to support third party-jumper Tancredo, refusing to accept Colorado’s Grassroots choice.


Today is the Dan Maes Money Bomb! If each one of the 200,000 that voted for Dan Maes gave Dan just $1 Dan would be able to respond to the vicious lies and Attack Machine. Dan now has a Professional Money Manager and a Professional Campaign Manager to help him for the first time. Give if you feel led. *This is NOT an official function of American Café but Adrienne and I gave.




Peter and Adrienne Robberson



**The following is for informational purposes only. Our organization does officially not Support or Endorse any particular Candidate or Party.**


“Friends and Supporters of the U.S. Constitution,


We stand on the Eve of Destiny with a man of the people put there by the people to govern for the people. Time grows short on determining our own destiny with regards to the coming election. We need to pick up the yoke and pull with our conscience and with our spirit toward the result we know we need. We must elect a leader who has always been a conservative and always will be. A man who understands, as President Reagan once said, "The challenge of statesmanship is to have the vision to dream of a better, safer world and the courage, persistence, and patience to turn that dream into reality"  Now more then ever we need your persistence, courage and patience to turn this dream of a better world into our own reality.


Today is the beginning of our day to make history. Tomorrow we celebrate Constitution Day, the day that made America what it is. A land of self-governed people who are accountable for the outcomes we get. We need everyone's help. Let all of your friends know, your neighbors know, your colleagues know, that we must make history tomorrow by raising $500,000 in a single day. We can do that together by donating $5, $10, or up to $1,050 per person.  Donations can be made at or by mailing a check to Friends of Dan Maes, 11 W. Hampden Ave, Englewood, CO 80013. Be part of history today with all of us who are tired of politics as usual. Christine O'Donnell won in Delaware Tuesday, against the Establishment's wishes, and raised a million dollars in the past week. We can do that here in Colorado also.


When Friday is over, if you have done what I asked you to by getting everyone you know to help our cause, I believe you will be standing with me on that second Tuesday in January when a new day dawns here in Colorado with Dan Maes as our governor.


AJ Reagan


Committee Member”

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