
Thursday, September 9, 2010

FW: Dan is in demand!

I am forwarding this email out to the Blog for your information only and as a service to you if you support Dan. The American Café does not endorse or support any candidates or parties. If you wish to be included in the Dan Maes email list directly from his campaign their contact information is below.


“Dan Fans,

I know with all of the trash in the media right now about Dan that some of you are feeling discouraged. Please, don't give into the liberal media's mud-slinging blitz. It is their mission to defeat us and our candidate. We have to stand strong and focus on our ultimate goal - making Dan Maes our next governor!

You may be hearing or reading that Dan's people are abandoning him left and right. Nothing could be further from the truth! Just this week I welcomed 12 new volunteers for Dan in El Paso County. I also received an email today from the county GOP for more yard signs. The lady who works there said, "We need more signs! They are in demand!" We have more and more people coming on board every week!

Most of the "influential" people who have "withdrawn support" never supported him in the first place or they were fence-sitters. They are weak people who are easily bought and gave into political influence. They have proved that their values and principles are for sale. Well, our next governor is not for sale! He has proved that by refusing to back down and refusing their tempting offers drop out of the race. That kind of stamina, strength and determination is exactly what I want in my next governor. I have complete confidence that once Dan Maes is in the state capitol he will listen to the people and their wishes, not the corrupt political insiders. Dan has more than proved that he is not playing games. Taking back our state is not a political game. Colorado's future and it's people's future are at stake.

Hey Dan, if you need help taking down that "for sale" sign on the capitol when you get there, just give us a call!

Julie Ayers
El Paso County Director
Dan Maes for Governor
"Re-Energizing Colorado"

303-781-6237 office

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