
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Maes Update

Dear American Café,

I sent out an email yesterday encouraging you all to stay steady and stand firm and not let the swirling accusations of Dan Maes change your course. I have heard back from about 5 of you expressing your concern either about what appears to be low Character on Dan’s part or about my abiding support of him. (Reminder: Neither The American Café nor our church, nor my employers nor or any other organization we are with officially endorse any candidate, person or party.)

This came from a person in American Café to me in response to yesterday’s email:

“I certainly don't want Hickenlooper to win either, but it seems every day more and more is coming out about the lies and false representation of Dan Maes (from his own sources, not his opposition). I don't believe he is the person of character he has led many to believe he is. I suggest you research him carefully before telling everyone you know to support him.”

My Reply:

I didn’t say I wanted my daughter to marry him or that I want him to be my Pastor. I didn’t even say that I like Dan. I don’t know Dan. However, I give the benefit of the doubt to Dan because I know the viciousness of politics.

So the question becomes “What are you going to do?”

Options include: 1) Voting for Hickenlooper 2) Not voting at all 3) Voting for and working to elect the conservative (warts and all) to defeat Hickenlooper.

Just like the Obama vs McCain race we have no choice, (although the accusations against Dan are incredibly minimal in comparison to McCain’s long history of being a full-on Progressive.) It is completely unproductive and unhelpful to wish we had a different candidate because it is what it is.

In addition, I am not convinced that the attacks on Maes are true, accurate or justified, and are certainly not current. They are Spun to damage him as we would expect them to be. Remember this is politics. But Dan is the duly elected Candidate and the Alternative ways forward are unacceptable. There is only one solution here.

Don’t read too much into me sticking with the support of this candidate for governor. However realize that A: We have no Alternative. B: I highly doubt that the accusations were first brought to Dan directly, then brought with two or more elders before they were spread around the State. This means that they are Gossip. They are advanced out a motive to destroy Dan.

Welcome to Politics!


Peter T. Robberson

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