
Sunday, September 5, 2010

I just made a financial Contribution to Dan Maes



We just made a Financial Contribution to Dan Maes via his website. While the Republican Party has shamefully wimped out here in our State and is providing zero leadership to victory in November to the Republicans at large here, Adrienne and I are not waiting for them to get their stuff together. I will not stand by idly and let Hickenlooper run away with victory if I can help it. If this inspires you to do the same I would understand… The behavior of the State Party and its Elites has been reflective of the Elite Republican Establishment in Washington. While I am not surprised, I am frustrated at their lack of integrity, class and loyalty to our duly-elected Candidate. (They would be having a ROYAL COW right now if we all boycotted McInnis.)


**Also we will be starting up our weekly Prayer and Political Action home groups again September 16 here at the house. If you are ready to get engaged again after several weeks off we would love to have you. Call or email to RSVP so we know who and how many are coming.




Peter T. Robberson


with The American Café but making a personal donation…


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