
Monday, September 13, 2010

Grassroots Training Event, Colorado Springs

The American Café,

I’d like to invite you to come to our American Majority Grassroots Training class. We have conducted a number of these so far and many of you have been unable to attend yet. We have just scheduled a couple more American Majority grassroots Trainings here in Colorado Springs. If it is convenient for you to attend we’d love to have you. The date for the next one will be on Saturday, September 25, in Colorado Springs. 

This training will take place at the community room in Re/Max Properties-Tenderfoot Hill located at 2630 Tenderfoot Hill Street in Colorado Springs from 8:30am to 12:30pmOnline Pre-Registration is necessary to provide adequate materials and credit card processing. The cost is just $25 per attendee.  Walk-ins are welcome but are $30. Registration opens at 8:15pm. Learn more at, under the Training Tab. Register by clicking on When you register online we get an email notification so we know how many to expect.


If you can make it let us know.




Peter T. Robberson

The American Café and an

American Majority Mechanic




Here is some more information about the Training:


The training will be conducted by a certified American Majority Mechanic Trainer.

Topics* to be covered during the Training include:


The System (an in-depth look at the system we’re in, how we got there, and what we can do about it).      

Grassroots Action (ideas and practical steps to engage our communities and organize a coalition of volunteers)

Precinct Power (changing your community one precinct at a time with specific micro-targeting and focused action)

Patriots 2.0 (effectively utilizing social networking tools, blogs, wiki projects and other technologically-driven platforms)

Full training materials, samples and supplements will be provided to help you apply what you learn to your organization, candidate, cause or community.


If you have any questions or would like additional information, contact Peter Robberson at or call 719-622-8808 and leave a message.

American Majority is a non-profit and non-partisan organization whose mission is to train and equip a national network of leaders committed to individual freedom through limited government and the free market.

* Topics are subject to change.


About Your Trainer


Pete Robberson is a Colorado Springs area businessman working in the Real Estate industry. He was elected to serve on the National Board of Directors of the National Association of Home Inspectors and is the Founder and Past President of the Rocky Mountain NAHI Chapter. Pete worked as an Instructor and Field Trainer for the American Home Inspectors Training Institute, the largest home inspection school in the country. Pete works as an Arbitration Specialist settling disputes between homeowners and home builders and is also a Home Warranty Specialist.


Pete has volunteered on several political campaigns and is currently a Precinct Leader and a Division Leader. He founded The American Café home groups, a non-profit, non-partisan organization that brings prayer and political action together for the betterment of our country; he runs the Constitution Project distributing free pocket Constitutions and he travels to trade shows and events with his Freedom Fax to create an instant way attendees can contact and influence their officials. He also teaches a weekly class on the Constitution which is especially popular among home-school students, moms and young people.


Peter is a certified American Majority Mechanic Trainer as part of the American Majority Mechanics Program.  Pete was identified, trained and certified to conduct Activist Trainings on behalf of American Majority.


The American Majority Mechanics Program was launched in 2010 with goal of training citizen-activists to equip others to become engaged in their state and local communities.  The program is named after the roughly 30 citizens who called themselves “Mechanics” and organized an intelligence network designed to monitor and inform the citizenry about British activities in New England colonies on the eve of American independence.  Among its most notable members was Paul Revere.  For more information on become an American Majority mechanic, please contact us



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