
Friday, September 24, 2010

Assault on Clear the Bench!

The American Café,


Please see the included letter from Clear the Bench. This is the group whose mission it is to encourage Colorado to vote to “NOT RETAIN” any of the four Colorado Justices that are up for retention this November. They all have voted AGAINST the Colorado Constitution in 15 out of 15 major cases. Visit their website for full details and sources then decide what you will do or give:


Dear friends,


Big surprise: Colorado Ethics Watch (CEW, pronounced “sue” — it’s what they do) is at it again. It has been clearly the intention of CEW, since their first bogus filing on May 5, 2010, to tie up our resources for as long as possible to protect the progressive majority on the Colorado Supreme Court. On Monday, September 20, CEW filed for a “Enlargement of Time” in order to pay the attorney’s fees they’ve owed us—literally tens of thousands of dollars – since the judge hearing their original “complaint” ordered them to pay up on July 21, 2010. It’s not like they don’t have the money. It’s not even like they have much math to do. They are, quite simply, continuing to try and prevent the word from getting out — that quitting Chief Justice Mullarkey’s gang of Constitution-shredders shouldn’t have a “rubber stamp” to stay in office… FOR ANOTHER 10 YEAR TERM.


If the three unjust justices — Michael Bender, Alex Martinez and Nancy Rice — stay on, they will continue the Mullarkey legacy of ignoring the Constitution and promoting a clearly progressive ideology in their rulings, further destroying our rights as citizens of Colorado. We have very precious few days left until the mail-in ballots drop on October 12. CEW knows this… and they want to make sure they keep OUR money until after that date. Unfortunately, campaigns like this don’t run themselves.  And more unfortunately, campaigns like this don’t fund themselves.


We need your help.  We need your generous donation of time, effort, and finances in order to win this campaign. A decision has yet to be reached as to whether or not CEW will receive that “Enlargement of Time”, but even then, we still need your help. In the mean time (and it’s hard to say when that decision will be made), we still have flyers to print, signs to produce (and distribute!) and the word to get out. It is absolutely vital for the survival of our state that we take out the trash this election — this includes those who would rather use our Constitution for confetti than as the guiding principle for their judgements, the highest law of the state. We must get the word out.  And we need your help to do it…


In late August, we ran a statewide poll, and the results are clear and resounding: across absolutely every demographic (race, gender, party affiliation and location in the state) if the word gets out, 78% of voters will vote “NO” on these unjust justices. This is, quite simply, the biggest no-brainer in Colorado politics this election. 

We have ten more years of guaranteed bad judges with the remnant of the Mullarkey Majority in Michael Bender, Alex Martinez and Nancy Rice — or two years of (at worst) of an unknown quantity (which can’t possibly get any worse).


However, even with the two years of unknown, we do know that:


1. It is simply impossible to be worse than 0-15 in upholding our Constitution;

2. There is the chance it might be “as bad”, but we can vote them out in two years rather than ten; and

3. There is the even greater chance it could get better — and we might even get a judge good enough to not vote out in two years.  In any case, any replacements will definitely get the message: the people are watching, and WILL hold them accountable to their oath to support the Constitution. 


Regardless of who wins the Governor’s race, we must Clear the Bench this year. 

In order to do this, to get the word out, we need your help.


Contribute today — and help spread the word.  

To contribute, go online to or send checks to P.O. Box 372388, Denver CO 80237 



The math on this is so simple… two years versus ten years. Getting the word out gets 78% or higher who say they will vote NO. This is the biggest no-brainer, the biggest bang for your 2010-political-buck; and a powerful reminder of the issues at stake. Contribute today, be part of the movement! 

Be a citizen, not a subject.  Exercise your right to tell these justices “NO!” to 10 more years of job security with no accountability to the people. 

WE THE PEOPLE are here, we are watching and together we can (and will!) send a message to the Colorado Supreme Court — we’re not going to take it anymore. 

For liberty, for the preservation of our Constitution, for the prosperity of our people and our state— we must CLEAR THE BENCH, COLORADO



For Freedom,


Sarah Anderson

Campaign Manager, Clear the Bench Colorado 

P.S. Please contribute whatever you can today - it's crunch time for producing (and distributing) signs & flyers, which is EXACTLY why CEW is holding on to OUR money!

To contribute, go online to send checks to CTBC at P.O. Box 372388, Denver CO 80237

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