
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bennet now claims it's immoral to leave debt to children

Bennet vs. Bennet: It’s “Immoral” to Leave Debt to Our Children
However, Bennet opposed at least 5 spending freezes

Denver, CO—Appointed U.S. Senator Michael Bennet has never been one to shy away from spending, but on the campaign trail, he’s singing a different tune about his big spending record--

“And then, the piece of it that the president, we own, I own, was the recovery package last year which was roughly $760 billion….All that adds up to $12 trillion, and we’ve got to address it. It’s immoral to leave this to our children.”

This is the latest example of Bennet telling Coloradans one thing, after doing another in Washington. The fact is that Washington’s Bennet has rarely seen an earmark or spending bill that he hasn’t rubberstamped. What’s worse is that Bennet has opposed at least five bipartisan spending freezes.

“Families and small businesses learn to live within their budgets, but Sen. Bennet and his Washington friends refuse to live within theirs,” said Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ken Buck. “We can’t afford Obama-Bennet’s big spending right now, and it’s immoral to push the debt from Washington’s bad spending habits onto our children and grandchildren.”

Each of the spending freezes that the appointed senator opposed would have impacted discretionary spending only. Much of this spending comes from a bloated bureaucracy, pork projects and earmarks that Bennet has rubberstamped.
“Michael Bennet has rubberstamped trillions in spending,” Buck said. “Bennet’s rubberstamps have funded everything from $39.7 million in upgrades in office space and parking for Kansas lawmakers, to $620,000 to give a skate park in Long Beach, Calif. a ‘facelift.’”

“Colorado voters need a senator who is looking out for them, instead of lawmakers in Kansas,” added Buck. “I will be that independent voice that is missing in Washington. I will fight the special interests to end earmarks and create a balanced budget amendment.”

-undisclosed author

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