
Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Maes is the Real Deal"

I received this letter from a grassroots organizer in the south part of the State: I wanted to forward it along to you. I realize that the public gets all of one side of the discussion on the Governor's Race from the Media so I am offering the untold side as often as I can:

It said:
After my experiences at the 9.12 reception and the Beck revival in Washington D.C. last weekend I made the decision to back away from what I perceived the 9.12 organization had evolved in to. I decided to focus on my groups's original plan which was to get constitutional conservatives into elected office.
Like all of you I have been receiving emails with regard to Dan Maes candidacy. I promised myself to stay out of the discussions of the 9.12ers, but, like a "sheep killing wolf"..I just can't stop.

Dan Maes began this fight over 18 months ago with absolutely no support from anyone other that his family and very close allies. He traveled this state tirelessly sending us a message that we were waiting to hear. Over the course of the campaign some have said he flip-flopped...I would say Dan listened to the "folks" and adjusted his message because HE LISTENED! Is not that exactly what we have been clamoring for? Elected officials who listen to us?

There have been bumps in the road which I believe are due to his inexperience in seeking political office. All of them I believe were not malicious or done with purpose....and really nothing terrible. As for Freda Poundstone..I would not believe anything that comes out of her mouth no matter what she achieved in the Reagan years after she commented that 2/3rds of the audience at our meeting with Tom Tancredo had "flipped" to Tancredo. The only flipping done was by Tancredo who sees himself as the prophet who is destined to be governor because HE does not think that the votes of 200,000 people mean anything. Aside from that, Poundstone was NOT at the meeting.

Show me one terrible thing for which Dan Maes should not stay in the race. Show me that he was indicted or arrested for a crime. What Dan is accused of amounts to inexperience and maybe some exaggeration.

Dan Maes' political life began when he started his campaign for governor. His message has been one that we have appreciated. Smaller government, immigration reform, NO SANCTUARY STATE, bringing back the oil industry etc.
If we let anyone deter us from doing exactly what we did at the GOP Assembly and primary then all has been for nought and we will deserve what we will get having John Hickenlooper as our governor. In case you have been living in a box and do not know what that is...let me clue you. We will have a sanctuary state, bigger state government and no jobs.

Worst of all, the grassroots will have been trampled.
Do not let all of our efforts got to waste because of the "machine". If we do, Hickenlooper will be governor.
I do not believe that anyone without the purest of intentions for our state would have put himself and his family through what Dan, Jordan and Karen have experienced over this campaign..if he was not "the real deal".
To those who have already jumped ship...we will plug the holes and welcome you back.
xxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxx!

Dr. Michael Schneider
Vail Valley 9.12 Project
****The American Cafe does not support or endorse any party or canidate*****

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