
Monday, September 13, 2010

Money Bomb this Thursday!

Please see this excerpt from a letter I received from a friend within the Dan Maes Campaign:

..."We are going to make history when a man of the people, is sent by the people, to work for the people on November 2. Please help us make history on September 17, the day we celebrate the signing of the U.S. Constitution, by making a small donation and encouraging everyone you know to do the same. We are planning on a historic day by raising $500,000 on that day with your help. Please go to: and contribute or send a check to Dan Maes for Governor, 11 W. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80013. Any check for $100 or more requires you include your occupation and employer and please make sure your check is dated September 17 and mailed by Sept 15 if possible. Even donations of $5 can make a difference. Don't hesistate to make that your donation if that is what you can do...."

Some have asked if we have changed our minds about Dan Maes in light of the media attacks and the political gamesmanship to discredit Dan. Our focus REMAINS on defeating the sitting Governor, employing the best means possible to do so. Dan has won the party nomination with 200,000 votes; more votes than any other candidate for governor has ever gotten in a Colorado Primary. The people have chosen Dan. Some party officials have betrayed the people's choice for a variety of reasons. (We are seeing the Party betray the people's choice all over the country.) Now the loser is calling the winner a loser. Adrienne and I are staying steady in order to have the best chance to defeat the current sitting governor in November. (As we see it, alternatives include not voting, voting for the incumbent or voting for Perot; none of which are prudent.)

Disclaimer: While we will be making our very best contribution to Dan on Thursday for the sole purpose of defeating Hickenlooper in November, our group, our church or any other group we either work for or are associated with does not officially endorse or support any candidate or Party. If our values and goals happen to be shared by a candidate or Party it is purely coincidental and should not be construed to be as any formal business or political association.

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