
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It Is Time...

It is time to rise up and take back our government. We have a
plan. We have the will. We cannot be defeated. We need you to act now.

A government for and by the People, this has been our stated goal
from the beginning of our awakening. It has been our goal since
the 10s of 1000s across Colorado took the challenge of Dick Wadams
and Tom Tancredo in 2009 of changing the GOP. To change it from
the politics as usual that is destroying the nation to a People’s
government based on values and principles. We accepted that
challenge, but not for Party. We accepted it as we knew that to
make the quickest impact in restoring the Peoples place in the
process we had to take over the Party. Not for politics, but for
freedom from the career politicians who have forgotten their
place, from power elitists that have relegated us into passive
silence, from a political process that has turned us into sheep
who may only agree, but not decide.

Understand that this is not a battle for candidates or even this
election. It is a battle for the soul of America. It is being
played out across the country and here in Colorado. It is a battle
of the political ruling class against the citizens they feel
entitled to rule over. In state after state where the People have
chosen their Peoples candidates, the political ruling class has
declared those choices as not acceptable and are now in open
conflict with the American people.

This year, the People stood up and made their choices. 400,000
Colorado citizens participated in the process and selected their
candidates in the GOP primary. Good honest Americans made
principled votes for their choices with many changing Party
affiliations to do so. The People made their choice and the
political elitists and power brokers rejected it decreeing that
400,000 Americans shall have no voice and must be silenced. They
have declared war on the People and are attempting to again force
their will on each of us. Not this time. It is time to rise up and
take government from those who have forgotten who it serves. We
will not be silenced and we will not be dictated to. It is time.
Time to rise up and take our government back from the political
ruling class.

This is a fight for the soul of America. If you believe that “We
the People” are the government then we need you. Your political
leanings are of no consequence. If you are one that believes in
moving away from the Parties, we need you now. We need each of you
to stand up. The ruling class has declared only they are entitled
to dictate and to rule over the electoral process. It is time to
say no more.

We have a plan and we need each of you to take 15 minutes of your
week and fight back. It is a public fight using ideas based on
values and principles. We have the tools in place and the means to
strike back and strike back hard. The first part of the plan is to
demand action against the political elitists in government who
have directly challenged the People’s right to choose.

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