
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

American Cafe Home Group Thursday!

The American Café,


Thank you for visiting our table this weekend at Focus on the Family Bookstore or at New Life Church. We had a busy but productive weekend meeting so many of you.

We distributed around 375 Constitutions at Focus and another 700 Constitutions between the 3 services during New Life’s Small Group Sunday. We hope you read and enjoy your gift!


I am following up with a quick Invitation and Reminder of our Thursday night meeting this Thursday, September 16th! We have a weekly home group whose mission is Prayer for the latest news items relating to politics, for our leaders to make Spirit-led decisions and for the Kingdom of God to prevail in our Nation. Then we take on-the-spot Political Action using our laptop computers, our fax machine or by phone calls. We use these tools to bring immediate influence to our leaders by urging them to do the right thing. Make sure you bring your laptop if you have one. We have a wireless network in our house.


We meet at our home, 4803 Hackamore Drive South, C/S CO 80918, from 6:30pm till 8pm. This week we have a special guest from The Constitutionalist Today to teach us how to write effective Letters to the Editor. This is also our one year Anniversary and the kick-off of or our 4th semester as a home-group.


We would love for you to come and join us!


We will also have refreshments and will lay the groundwork for a very active coming several weeks. We even talked with some of you about helping you to start your own Prayer and Political Action Homegroups. We especially need to hear from you if you’d like to bring your kids. We need to gauge the interest in our Liberty Kids program in order to properly staff it. For this week we won’t have anything for the kiddos.


If you would like to join us please RSVP by phone so we can first get acquainted a little and then know how many to plan for. Our number is 573-2193.




Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café

Prayer and Political Action Homegroups



Disclaimer for this group and all communications and activities related to this Homegroup:

Neither the Church we attend nor The American Cafe support or endorse any particular political candidate. Our Enthusiasm embodies the ideals and issues we believe in and therefore frequently creates a fellowship with those who share our values. Our Loyalty is not to one particular person, candidate or organization but rather is to the underlying principles or goals we may have in common at a particular time. We are unaware of any illegal, immoral or inappropriate activity or association that someone we quote or refer to may have actually or allegedly been involved in, past or present, and assume no responsibility or liability for them. No comments, links, opinions or postings found on our facebook or websites or discussed in the group are intended to flame any individual, organization or entity.

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