
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dan Maes Kansas Attack Proven FALSE!

Guys, I have urged from the beginning to stay steady, remember that politics is vicious and full of lies and to stick with the Grassroots Victor.... An investigative Reporter just returned from Kansas and Confirmed what Maes has said all along:

September 18, 2010

Maes told the truth from the beginning
The Denver Post is out with a curious article on my time in Liberal Kansas. Among various allegations lobbed by ex-cons and others individuals of questionable character, the Post has, in fact, corroborated what I've been saying all along. But don't take it from me this time, take it from John Hardy, one of my fellow officers in Liberal. From the article:

John Hardy, 52, wasn't party to the investigation, but he was a master watch commander with the Liberal police at the time. He said top officers knew the KBI was in town helping with a gambling investigation.

When it became clear that the family being investigated were Maes' future in-laws, some officers worried about how Maes was taking the news. Shortly after, Maes was gone.

"To settle the troops down, they said Dan was part of the investigation (and) he was fine,"

Why the Post chose to bury this vindicating information at the bottom of the article, I can only guess. Instead they chose to spend most of the piece discussing a completely spurious claim by an old cop with an axe to grind who says I leaked information. This, like most everything else that's been printed about me in the media, is false.

Further, after the Associated Press spent a few days in Kansas investigating my story, the KBI has finally confirmed their involvement in a bookmaking investigation in Liberal.

In other words, after weeks of dragging my name through the mud, much of my story - a story that hasn't changed from the beginning - has been confirmed by the press. Maybe now we can stop focusing on a job I had a quarter-century ago and start talking about how to get Colorado back to work today.

Potshots from a minor party candidate and liberal forces in the press can't hide the truth. And the more information that comes out, the more clear it becomes that I've been a man of character who has spoken the truth all along. My "yes" has always meant yes, and my "no" has always meant no.

Folks, thanks for sticking with me through these rough times that we can now put behind us. I'm proud that so many of my supporters believe in my vision for jobs and the economy, and aren't distracted by these sideshows in the press. I've been focused on the issues throughout this campaign, and that's where my focus will be for the next six weeks. Together, we will take this state back for its people and get our economy back on track.

Dan Maes

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